Follow-Ups and Project Structure R2E Meeting September 8th Project / Study Group / RadWG R2E Mitigation Project:  Responsible of development and implementation.


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Presentation transcript:

Follow-Ups and Project Structure R2E Meeting September 8th Project / Study Group / RadWG R2E Mitigation Project:  Responsible of development and implementation of long-term R2E mitigation plan for the LHC accelerator  Project decisions are taken by the project leader, strategic aspects are discussed in the committee (e.g., long-term solutions and requirements globally affecting the A&T sector),  Reports to the LMC R2E Study Group -> R2E Committee:  Long-term R2E goals aside the R2E Mitigation Project and with a longer mandate  CERN R2E Policy (A&T Sector)  R2E aspects also at other accelerators (present and future) and respective needs  Steering committee for strategic discussions concerning the R2E project  R2E Project meetings as membership strongly overlaps and only one meeting is kept  R2E project leader reports on the project status and might require endorsement of strategic decisions  Reports to the LMC Radiation Working Group:  Coordinates radiation test campaigns (CERN internal and external)  Forum for equipment owners (in the A&T sector) to discuss technical aspects related to radiation damage to electronics  currently focused on SEEs and electronics (as support for the R2E Project)  other aspects: cumulative damage, radiation damage to materials (e.g., cables), etc… 1

Follow-Ups and Project Structure R2E Meeting September 8th Project / Study Group / RadWG 2 !!! arrows are LINKS not necessarily hierarchical structure !!! LHC Machine Committee R2E Committee PC R&D SLC R&D RadWG MM WGICL CWG NIFWG Project Related Working Groups R2E Mitigation Project Equipment Groups A&T Installations Electronics Policy

Follow-Ups and Project Structure R2E Meeting September 8th Mandate R2E Project & Committee “The R2E Committee assists the A&T sector with expert knowledge on radiation damage to electronics and all related aspects. It steers all R2E related working groups and shall define a global electronics policy. It reports to the LMC” R2E Committee Responsibilities & Activities:  Development of a radiation policy for the accelerator sector (LHC, injectors and new projects)  Direct link with related R2E activities within the PH department  Advising and coordination role for all R2E related subjects and the Radiation Working Group  Radiation test facilities beyond the need of the R2E mitigation project  Discussion forum for the R2E project, committee meetings are at the same time project meetings “The R2E Mitigation Project decides on action priorities, assures a mitigation plan within the LHC planning constraints and steers all R2E mitigation actions. The project leader reports to the LMC.” R2E Mitigation Project Responsibilities & Activities:  Minimizing the risk of LHC failures caused by radiation effects on electronics installed in critical LHC areas  Development and implementation of a R2E mitigation plan coherent with the LHC schedule  Evaluation based on radiation monitoring and calculations  Study of patch-solutions and radiation tolerant developments  Support and review of R&D for radiation tolerant power-converters  Study, feasibility analysis and final proposal of long-term mitigation solution  Budget planning, steering and optimization of all mitigation actions  Radiation test facilities within the requirements of the R2E project (CNRAD, H4IRRAD) Linked Activities:  Collimation upgrade at IR3 (IR7->3 Move)  Superconducting Links R&D  New radiation test facility in the PS East-Area 3

Follow-Ups and Project Structure R2E Meeting September 8th R2E Mitigation Project Roles & Deliverables Roles:  Assurance of global mitigation actions and their implementation within the LHC planning  Long-term solution for power-converters & evaluation of options  Support for all R2E activities linked to the R2E mitigation project and assurance of availability of requirements (e.g., test areas)  Project planning and coordination Deliverables:  Mitigation Plan & Required Documentation  Evaluation of Radiation Levels & Consequences  Decision on best long-term mitigation option  Implementation and review of mitigation actions  Availability of radiation facilities and radiation test support  Budget/resources/timing details & reporting 4

Follow-Ups and Project Structure R2E Meeting September 8th Monitoring & Calculations WG Mandate:  Early monitoring around the LHC critical (R2E) areas  Comparison (“benchmarking”) with expected radiation levels  Coordination of required R2E Monte-Carlo calculations  Improvements for the combined monitoring tool & related issues  Possible required improvements for monitor locations & numbers  Extrapolation towards nominal LHC operation  Development of a standardized reporting of radiation levels Members:  RadMons: D. Kramer, G. Spiezia, K. Roeed  Ramses: S. Roesler  BLM: A. Nordt  TLDs: M. Brugger, A. Thornton  Monitoring Tool: M. Pinheiro  Data-Mining and Pre-Analysis: A. Thornton  Monte-Carlo Calculations: M. Calviani, K. Roeed, M. Brugger  Radiation Damage: K. Roeed  Operation: M. Pojer  R2E: Markus  Secretary: K. Roeed  Chair: M. Calviani 5

Follow-Ups and Project Structure R2E Meeting September 8th Project & Steering Members Permanent:  Planning: K. Foraz  Project Support: S. Weisz  Integration: A.L. Perrot  Radiation Working Group: G. Spiezia  Power-Converters: Y. Thurel  Monitoring & Calculations: M. Calviani  Operation: M. Pojer  Radiation Protection: S. Roesler  General Safety: C. Jach  R2E Study Group Chair: R. Losito  PH-ESE link: J. Christiansen  Scientific Secretary: M. Calviani  Project Assistant: L. Lari  Project Leader: M. Brugger 6 Linked:  Collimation: R. Assmann  Super-Conduction Links: A. Ballarino  Civil Engineering: J. Osborne  Consolidation: S. Baird  New Irradiation Facilities: L. Linsen Reporting:  LMC: S. Myers

Follow-Ups and Project Structure R2E Meeting September 8th R2E Mitigation Project (Communication) Power Converters Radiation Tolerant Power-Converter WG: R&D & Concept Development Testing (Procurement) Radiation Tolerant Power-Converter WG: R&D & Concept Development Testing (Procurement) Y. Thurel Radiation Testing Radiation-WG: Failure Analysis Radiation Tests Patch Solutions & New Developments Radiation Policy Radiation-WG: Failure Analysis Radiation Tests Patch Solutions & New Developments Radiation Policy M. Brugger -> G. Spiezia Collimation Collimation-WG: Point-3 Collimation-WG: Point-3 R. Assmann Test Facilities New-Irradiation Facilities WG: PS East-Area Facility New-Irradiation Facilities WG: PS East-Area Facility L. Linssen Support Organization Planning Safety Organization Planning Safety Monitoring & Calculations Monitoring & Calculations WG: MC Calculations Monitoring & Benchmarking Radiation Levels in Critical Areas Monitoring & Calculations WG: MC Calculations Monitoring & Benchmarking Radiation Levels in Critical Areas M. Calviani S. Weisz K. Foraz S. Roesler C. Jach M. Brugger Super Conducting Links SCLs -WG: R&D & Tests Hor. SCLs Vert. SCLs (Procurement) SCLs -WG: R&D & Tests Hor. SCLs Vert. SCLs (Procurement) A. Ballarino Related Working Groups S. Myers LMC R2E Mitigation Project 7 Shielding & Relocation ICL/LHC Planning: Shielding Relocation Coordination ICL/LHC Planning: Shielding Relocation Coordination A.L. Perrot Y. Muttoni