Headline charts from ARM polling June 2016. Methodology BritainThinks conducted an online survey of 1240 adults living in England between 7 th and 9th.


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Presentation transcript:

Headline charts from ARM polling June 2016

Methodology BritainThinks conducted an online survey of 1240 adults living in England between 7 th and 9th June 2016 The survey was conducted using the Populus Data Solutions online panel, and data were weighted to reflect the English population in terms of age, gender, region and social class Some questions in this survey have been asked in previous surveys conducted for the BMA. Where relevant this report includes figures from those surveys for comparison

Key findings Perceptions of the NHS This research shows concern about the direction that the NHS is going in 37% are dissatisfied with the running of the NHS And 53% expect it to get worse over the next few years There are also strong indications that the public do not trust the government’s motivations in the way it runs the NHS, nor its ability to do so effectively 58% say they they do not trust the government with the management of the NHS And 48% disagree that this government genuinely cares about the NHS A large majority (81%) say that ring-fencing NHS funding is not enough, and that the government should increase the amount of money received by the NHS Public health Looking at public health funding, 75% say they are concerned about cuts to Local Authority public health budgets Seven-day services Although a slight majority (53%) of the public think the government’s aim of a seven-day NHS is the right priority, almost two thirds (64%) think that the government has not provided a convincing answer to the crucial questions of how to (a) staff, and (b) fund it.

Perceptions of the NHS

Almost 2 in 5 are dissatisfied with the running of the NHS Q1. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the running of the National Health Service nowadays? Base: All Respondents (1240)

And over half expect that the NHS will get worse over the next few years Q2. Thinking about the NHS over the next few years, do you expect it to…? Base: All Respondents (1240)

Half do not think the NHS is moving in the right direction, whilst over three quarters of respondents are worried about the future of the NHS Q3. Looking at the statements below, please say how far you agree or disagree with each one. Base: All Respondents (1240)

Many lack confidence in the government’s stewardship of the NHS Q3. Looking at the statements below, please say how far you agree or disagree with each one. Base: All Respondents (1240)

A large majority think that the government’s policies are causing discontent amongst NHS staff Q4. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The government’s policies are leading to growing discontent across the NHS workforce Base: All Respondents (1240)

There are concerns about the level of funding the NHS is receiving – with eight in ten saying the government should increase the amount the NHS receives Q5. The following are some things that are sometimes said about the government’s funding of the NHS. Please say how far you agree or disagree with each one. Base: All Respondents (1240)

Public health

When asked to identify the most important services provided by LAs, schools, social care and fire services come out on top Q6. The following is a list of public services that many Local Authorities currently fund in their area. Please select the three that you think are most important. Base: All respondents (1240) Most important Local Authority funded public services:

However, after being given information about public health and cuts to public health funding, three quarters are say they are concerned Q7. The government has reduced the amount of money Local Authorities receive for public health by £200 million. Given what you know about public health, how concerned or otherwise would you say you are about this? Base: All Respondents (1240) Concern about cuts to public health funding:

Mental health is highest on the list of the public’s priorities, followed by drug and alcohol abuse prevention Q8. The following is a list of different public healthy services that local authorities fund. Please say how important or otherwise you think each one is. Please give your answer on a scale of 0 – 10, where 0 is not at all important, 10 is extremely important, and 5 is in the middle. Base: All Respondents (1240)

7-day services

Three quarters are aware of the debate about seven- day services in NHS hospitals Q4. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The government’s policies are leading to growing discontent across the NHS workforce Base: All Respondents (1240) Awareness of the debate about seven-day services in NHS hospitals:

Half the public agree that the government is right to prioritise seven-day services Q10. To what extent do you agree with the following statements? Base: All respondents (1,240)

But a large majority think that this should not mean that fewer services are available during the week Q10. To what extent do you agree with the following statements? Base: All respondents (1,240)

And there are concerns both about the affordability of 7DS, and a perceived lack of clarity in relation to the government’s plans Q10. To what extent do you agree with the following statements? Base: All respondents (1,240)