Pharmacists in Nova Scotia Perceptions and attitudes towards pharmacists in Nova Scotia with national comparisons. February 2016 Prepared for the Pharmacy Association of Nova Scotia
Methodology 2 Online Survey Survey was conducted online with a representative sample of Canadians from Research Now’s online panel. Sample Size Canada-wide: 3,824 (Comparable Margin of Error + 1.6%) Nova Scotia: 500 (Comparable Margin of Error + 4.5%) Field datesFebruary 19 to 25, 2016 Statistical WeightingData was weighted by age, gender, region.
Key Findings – National Comparison The overall impression of pharmacists in Nova Scotia is more intensely positive when compared to the national average. 96% of Nova Scotia residents have a positive impression with 49% saying they have a very positive impression of the profession. Nova Scotia residents are more likely to believe that pharmacists play an essential role in the healthcare system than the national average (NS 64% vs. 54% nationally). Nova Scotia residents are more trusting of pharmacists to deliver advice on a range of health services including vaccinations (NS 74% vs. CAN 59%)and managing common ailments like the cold or flu (NS 81% vs. CAN 53%). Awareness about the services pharmacists can deliver was mostly comparable in Nova Scotia to the national average. Nova Scotia residents more likely to be aware that pharmacists can sit down and meet with a patient to review medications (+14 than the national average), administer a flu shot (+5), administer other vaccines (+15) and prescribe prescription medications for minor health conditions (+3). They were less likely to be aware that pharmacists could renew and extend prescriptions (-5). NS residents were more likely to say they would be likely to visit a pharmacist for a range services, than the national average. 3
Key Findings – NS Specific Questions Most NS residents agree (84%) that government should pay all healthcare professionals for services covered by MSI. 74% agree that all healthcare professionals who provide the same healthcare service should receive the same fee. 9% disagree and 23% don’t have clear opinions. Almost all those who received a service from a pharmacist say they would use the service again. 83% of NS residents agree that being able to obtain a variety of healthcare services in my pharmacy improves my (and my family’s) ability to access healthcare services in a timely manner 4
5 Canada, n = 3,824 Nova Scotia, n = 500 Impression of Professions Below is a list of different professions in Canada. Please tell us if you have a very positive, mostly positive, mostly negative, or very negative impression of each. Pharmacists Doctors Nurses Paramedics Police officers Military officers Teachers Bankers Chiropractors
6 Canada, n = 3,824 Nova Scotia, n = 500 Roles in Healthcare Think about the health care system overall and the role and importance of different people within the system. We are going to show you a number of different professions within the health care system and ask you to classify their role into one of three groups. Pharmacists Pharmacy technicians Licensed practical nurses Registered nurses Lab assistant Cleaners Food service workers Paramedics Doctors Medical technologists Occupational therapists Personal Care Aides Physiotherapists
7 Canada, n = 3,824 Nova Scotia, n = 500 Trust - Pharmacist Thinking about when you're looking for information about different health or lifestyle topics. For each of the following sources, please tell us to what extent you trust the advice each might give you. Vaccinations Advice on medicines Management of chronic health conditions Healthy lifestyle changes Management of common ailments like the cold or flu
8 Canada, n = 3,824 Nova Scotia, n = 500 Trust - Doctors Thinking about when you're looking for information about different health or lifestyle topics. For each of the following sources, please tell us to what extent you trust the advice each might give you. Vaccinations Advice on medicines Management of chronic health conditions Healthy lifestyle changes Management of common ailments like the cold or flu
9 Canada, n = 3,824 Nova Scotia, n = 500 Trust - Nurse Thinking about when you're looking for information about different health or lifestyle topics. For each of the following sources, please tell us to what extent you trust the advice each might give you. Vaccinations Advice on medicines Management of chronic health conditions Healthy lifestyle changes Management of common ailments like the cold or flu
10 Canada, n = 3,824 Nova Scotia, n = 500 Trust - Paramedic Thinking about when you're looking for information about different health or lifestyle topics. For each of the following sources, please tell us to what extent you trust the advice each might give you. Vaccinations Advice on medicines Management of chronic health conditions Healthy lifestyle changes Management of common ailments like the cold or flu
11 Canada, n = 3,824 Nova Scotia, n = 500 Awareness of Services Before today, were you aware or unaware that pharmacists provide the following services? Renew and extend your prescriptions Provide emergency prescription refills Meet or sit down with you for a 20 minute review of your medications Adapt a prescription by altering the dose, formulation, or regimen to more closely meet your needs. Administer a flu shot Administer other vaccines Therapeutic substitution meaning to change the actual medication from the one prescribed to another medication that is used for treating the same condition. Prescribing prescription medications for some minor health conditions Counselling programs for smoking cessation
12 Canada, n = 3,824 Nova Scotia, n = 500 Going to Your Pharmacist If you required the following services, how likely are you to go to a pharmacist to get them? A vaccination A flu shot Advice on medicines you are taking Management of chronic health conditions Advice on healthy lifestyle changes like smoking cessation and weight loss Management of common ailments like the flu or cold
13 Canada, n = 3,824 Nova Scotia, n = 500 Call or Visit Pharmacist First Typically, before you seek treatment for common ailments like the flu or a cold, do you call or visit a pharmacy before seeking help from your doctor or after hours clinic?
14 Canada, n = 3,824 Nova Scotia, n = 500 Impact of Expanded Scope Below are a number of statements that could be used to describe pharmacists in your community. Please tell us whether you agree or disagree with each statement. Allowing pharmacists to do more for patients will improve health outcomes for patients. Allowing pharmacists to do more for patients will reduce costs in the health care system.
15 Canada, n = 3,824 Nova Scotia, n = 500 Informing Yourself When it comes to informing yourself about pharmacies, new prescription drugs, or health care in general, what would you say are your THREE most important sources of information?
Nova Scotia Specific Questions
17 Nova Scotia, n = 500 Coverage by MSI If a healthcare service is covered by MSI, Government should pay all healthcare professionals who can deliver [who have the legal authority to deliver] that service.
18 Nova Scotia, n = 500 Receive the Same Fee All healthcare professionals who provide the same healthcare service should receive the same fee.
19 Nova Scotia, n = 500 Services at my Pharmacy I have received the following services at my pharmacy...
20 [Those who did not receive service] Why Not? Why not?
21 [Those who did receive service] Would You Use This Service Again Would you use this service again?
22 Nova Scotia, n = 500 Variety of Healthcare Services Being able to obtain a variety of healthcare services in my pharmacy improves my (and my family’s) ability to access healthcare services in a timely manner