Proposed goal 15. Protect and restore terrestrial ecosystems and halt all biodiversity loss 15.1 by 2020 halt the loss of all biodiversity, including forests, and protect and prevent the extinction of threatened species 15.2 by 2020 ensure conservation and sustainable use of ecosystems, with particular attention to forests and wetlands, including through and promote restoration and natural regeneration of at least 15 per cent of of degraded ecosystems, including by providing adecquate positive incentives for developing countries and redirecting perverse incentives maintain genetic diversity of both cultivated plants, farmed and domesticated animals and their wild relatives including through effective cooperation of national institutions
Proposed goal 15. Protect and restore terrestrial ecosystems and halt all biodiversity loss O 15.4 by 2030, ensure the implementation of sustainable management use of all types of forests and of mountain ecosystems O 15.6 by 2030, halt and prevent land degradation, reclaim land affected by industry, desertification and drought, and improve land productivity and soil quality while reducing land grabbing O 15.7 ensure fair and equitable sharing,including gender equality, of benefits arising from the sustainable utilization of genetic resources that are proven to have no social or environmental negative impact in particular for women’s enhanced access and participation
Proposed goal 15. Protect and restore terrestrial ecosystems and halt all biodiversity loss O 15.8 end poaching and trafficking of endangered species, and end demand and supply of illegal wildlife products O 15.9 introduce measures to prevent the introduction and significantly reduce the impact of invasive alien species on land and water ecosystems, and by 2020 control or eliminate the priority all invasive species O ensure free prior informed consent of indigenous peoples and local communities, including women, in decision making and natural resources management, and promote the use of their traditional knowledge
Proposed goal 15. Protect and restore terrestrial ecosystems and halt all biodiversity loss O Recognise and fully document territorial rights and customary conservation practices of Indigenous Peoples, women and local communities O integrate natural resources and biodiversity values, including cultural values, into national and local planning, development processes, and accounts