BIO 498: Additional Photoshop Techniques Image Manipulation
Overview A note Image Rotation Zoom Light Adjustment Levels Shadows/highlights Brightness/contrast Sharpening Removing background blemishes More Analysis techniques
A Note An important thing to keep in mind is that when you image specimens for analysis/identification and NOT for artistic purposes; the less you alter the image, the more reliable the information you gain from it. Editing in Photoshop should always be minimal, without changing the information in the image.
Image Rotation: Upside-down Image If specimen is upside- down, go to Image > Image Rotation > Flip Canvas Vertical
Image Rotation: Arbitrary Go to Image Rotation > Arbitrary… Arbitrary window will open Enter the amount of degrees you wish the image to be rotated, and specify Clockwise (CW) or Counterclockwise (CCW)
Image Rotation: Arbitrary Canvas will rotate degree specified. Note: It is unwise to crop the image before an arbitrary rotation. It’s suggested you crop AFTER rotating.
Zoom To Zoom In: Select Magnify tool on side toolbar (Magnifying glass) OR press “Ctrl +/=” on keyboard To Zoom Out: press “Ctrl –”
Lighting Adjustment When to Use When NOT to Use If image taken was over- or underexposed If there is an aspect of the specimen you want to make more noticeable (ie: stomata on a leaf) When the image taken already has good lighting and is for species identification purposes. When you only want your image to look better artistically, regardless of how well it represents the original specimen. DO NOT DO THIS!
Lighting Adjustment: Levels Go to Images > Adjustments > Levels “Levels” window will open
Lighting Adjustment: Levels When dragging white triangle to the left in input levels, image will lighten. When dragging black triangle to the right in input levels, image will darken.
Lighting Adjustment: Levels Dragging middle triangle (gray) in input levels to right will overall darken image and to left will overall lighten image. Dragging black triangle under output levels will overall lighten image.
Lighting Adjustment: Levels Dragging white triangle under output levels to left will overall darken image.
Lighting Adjustment: Shadows/Highlights Image > Adjustments > Shadows/Highlights Shadows/Highlights window will open
Lighting Adjustment: Shadows Increasing Shadows amount (%) Increasing Highlights amount (%)
Lighting Adjustment: Brightness/Contrast Go to Images > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast Brightness/Contrast window will open and be set to zero.
Lighting Adjustment: Brightness Increasing brightness – you can drag the slider or simply enter a positive integer in the box (ie 20) Decreasing brightness – same as increasing, only the integers in this case will be negative (ie -20)
Lighting Adjustment: Contrast Decreasing Contrast – once again, use the slider or enter a negative integer Increasing Contrast – slider or positive integer
Sharpening: Smart Sharpen Filter > Sharpen > Smart Sharpen Smart Sharpen window will open
Sharpen: Smart Sharpen To sharpen, adjust “Amount” Left click and hold down will show original unsharpened image. Unclick will show sharpened image. Best amount settings are usually between 15 and 40%, although can vary depending on image.
Removing Background Blemishes For aesthetic purposes Remove uneven aspects in background Select clone stamp tool
Removing Background Blemishes In upper left hand corner of screen, clone stamp controls should be visible/ The hardness and size of clone stamp can be adjusted. 0% hardness and relatively large brush size is typically best Use smaller brush size when working close to specimen
Removing Background Blemishes Press “alt” key while clicking and holding down mouse in background area near blemish spot. Click and hold down over blemish site which will change background to selected area. Repeat to adjust.
More Analysis Techniques: Ruler Select Analysis > Ruler Tool Selected length of measurement is L1
More Analysis Techniques: Count Select Analysis > Count Tool Click to insert number