Theresa Thompson Frau Ruppelt
Bremen, Bremen Bremen is a city state.
Location Bremen is located in the northwest corner of Germany.
Elects 2 mayors for city. One is then elected by senate to be president of senate and becomes head of free Hanseatic city of Bremen.
Area: 325 square miles
Coat of arms for Bremen the city.
Coat of Arms of the state of Bremen, Bremen.
574,769 as recorded by
Famous People: Kai Warner - pop musician Revolverheld - Rock Band Miroslav Klose - football star
Known as food capital of northern germany!
Ice Wagers: On January 6 th people throw rocks into the river to make an “Ice Wager”. The wager is based upon whether the river will freeze that winter or not. Today it is decided by drawing lots. The loser has to pay for everything, including a banquet and the wager itself.
Spitting stone: The Spitting Stone is nothing more than a cobblestone with a cross embedded in it. The stone is on the West side of the cathedral and marks the spot where the poisoner, Gesche Gottfried, lost her life in She was the last person to be publicly executed in Bremen. Germany's "most successful poisoner" was found guilty of 15 murders and a further 15 attempted murders. Today, Bremen residents still show their disgust at her deeds by spitting at the Stone.
History: The state of Bremen was formed in 1947 by combining Bremen and Bremerhaven. In the 12th century, Bremen became a merchants’ town and its ships dominated the southern portions of the North Sea. This dominance ended when the Hanseatic League, originally a trade alliance of the Baltic Sea only, expanded to the North Sea.
Culture: They have large museums to share their history with tourists. The term "Bremen Style" refers to the originality of Bremen's productions. They are usually more spectacular than elsewhere and almost always more ambitious. Beethoven gave his first symphony in Bremen.
Work cited: bremen.phphttp:// bremen.php europe/germany/bremen-history.asp europe/germany/bremen-history.asp men02.c de&_hauptid=551441&_subid= http:// men02.c de&_hauptid=551441&_subid=
Work cited: ag4/art /htm/tourisme-breme- gastronomie.htmhttp:// ag4/art /htm/tourisme-breme- gastronomie.htm /Bremenhttp:// 0/Bremen men02.c de&_hauptid=551441&_subid= http:// men02.c de&_hauptid=551441&_subid=