Presented by your Benefits Team: Dorothy Webster, Benefits Coordinator Brittany Waters, Benefits Coordinator Sara Aranda, Benefits Coordinator Vickie Del Bello, Director of ER & Benefits
SummerEnrollment July 24 – August 6, 2016
Can be covered until the age of 26 on health insurance – regardless of marital or educational status If child is married, dental insurance, AD&D and dependent life insurance is not available. DEPENDENT CHILDREN -Employee required to submit documents to ensure dependents are eligible for coverage. -Example of Required Documents: Birth Certificates, Marriage License, Tax Returns -Will be contacted by Aon Hewitt for documentation submission. Ongoing DEPENDENT AUDIT
PPO Plan Can choose any dentist HMO Plan Must use dentist in HMO network Discount Plan Not an insurance plan – offers discounts from participating providers Employee Only$ Spouse$13.32$4.80$ Children$18.64$6.70$ Family$31.94$11.50$2.70 After tax deduction
$5,000 term life policy with AD&D rider Unlimited number of dependents EOI required if elected during Summer Enrollment Monthly Premium: $1.38 Optional Life Insurance Dependent Life Insurance SJC pays premium for 2x annual salary Evidence of Insurability (EOI) must be completed and approved if elected during summer enrollment. May elect to pay premium for 3x or 4x EOI must be completed and approved. Rates are age-banded Maximum coverage amount of $400,000 Voluntary AD&D Employee Only $0.02/$1,000 of coverage Maximum Premium: $4.00/month Employee + family $.04/$1,000 of coverage Spouse covered at 50%, children at 20% Maximum Premium: $8.00/month $10,000 - $200,000 of coverage
STD STD Premium $0.30/$100 of monthly salary 30 day waiting period Pays up to 66% of your monthly salary Benefits are paid for up to 5 months LTD LTD Premium: $0.63/$100 monthly salary (paid by SJC) 180 day waiting period Pays up to o 60% of your monthly salary Benefit period depends on age when you become totally disabled Must exhaust all leave EOI required if elected during Summer Enrollment
Administrator – Superior Vision Superior National Network with over 6000 providers in Texas In-Network Co-Pays Routine Eye Exam: $25.00 Contact Lens Fitting: $25.00(standard) $35.00(specialty) Frames or Contacts Allowance: $150 retail Monthly Premiums Employee Only$ Spouse$ Children$ Family$21.07
HealthSelect of Texas Point-of-Service Health Plan KelseyCare by Community Health Choice Kelsey Seybold HMO Health Plan Consumer Directed HealthSelect High-Deductible Health Plan(HDHP) with a Health Savings Account option(HSA)
Annual in-network out-of-pocket maximums (increase from FY16) $6,550 individual, $13,100 for family Includes copays, coinsurance and pharmacy deductibles $5,000 Basic Group Life Insurance for employee Vision Rider Specialist copay, includes discounts at certain providers for frames, lenses or contacts.
Rate is dependent upon how many tobacco users or non-certified members are covered on health insurance All employees are required to certify. Choose To Quit(CTQ) program available to receive refund of tobacco fee each year. CoverageFee You, Spouse, or Child ONLY$30 You + Spouse$60 You + Spouse + Child$90
United HealthCare – Plan Administrator Point-of-Service (POS) plan with direct access for eye exams and OB/GYN. A PCP is must be selected to receive In-Network benefits. Referral is required for specialist visits. PCP Office Visit: $25 copay Specialist Office Visit: $40 copay Urgent care facility benefits $50 copay + 20% coinsurance (In-Network)
Kelsey Seybold HMO Plan Benefits similar to UHC plan Available to the following counties: Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris and Montgomery Must use a KelseyCare network doctor $15 PCP copay $25 Specialist copay – no referral required More information at
Tier 1 Generic Tier 2 Preferred Tier 3 Brand Specific Deductible Each participant must pay a $50 annual deductible Non-maintenance drug bought at a participating retail pharmacy $10 up to a 30-day supply $35 up to a 30-day supply $60 up to a 30-day supply Maintenance drug bought at a participating retail pharmacy $20 up to a 30-day supply $45 up to a 30-day supply $75 up to a 30-day supply Maintenance drug bought through a mail order pharmacy $30 up to a 90-day supply $105 up to a 90-day supply $180 up to a 90-day supply HealthSelect deductible based on calendar year January – December KelseyCare deductible based on fiscal year September – August
Administrator – ADP Set up an online account Website: Health Care Copays, prescriptions, coinsurance, eyewear Minimum annual contribution: $180 Maximum annual contribution: $2,544 Debit Cards will be mailed to ALL participants – No fee Dependent Care Daycare, summer camps Minimum annual contribution: $180 Maximum annual contribution: $4,996 No debit card option TexFlex Pre-Tax Spending Account for HealthSelect and KelseyCare participants
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United HealthCare – Plan Administrator No PCP or referrals required. Must meet deductible before plan pays ANYTHING for health and prescriptions except in-network preventative care. Deductibles Deductibles are based on a calendar year. If you switch, the deductibles and out-of pocket maximums will start over on January 1. IndividualFamilyAfter Deductible Plan Pays In-Network$2,100$4,20080% Out-of-Network$4,200$8,40060%
Administrator – Optum Bank, a subsidiary of United HealthCare Services Pre-tax contribution to assist with out-of-pocket expenses for HDHP. Must be setup BEFORE eligible expenses are incurred. Available to non-Medicare eligible employees Cannot be covered under any other traditional health plan (ie. spouse or parents) Contributions and Limits for Plan Year 2017 Individual PlanFamily Plan State Contribution$540 ($45 monthly)$1,080 ($90 monthly) Maximum Participant Contribution$2,810$5,670 Health Spending Account (HSA) Health Spending Account (HSA) Available to Consumer Directed HealthSelect Members
Administrator – ADP (same as TexFlex) Pre-tax contribution for eligible vision and dental care ONLY Contributions Limits for Plan Year 2017 Same as TexFlex Health $180 minimum annual contribution ($15 monthly) $2,544 maximum annual contribution ($212 monthly) Employees who switch to Consumer Directed HealthSelect that have $25 - $500 remaining in their TexFlex account will automatically be enrolled in the LFSA Limited Flexible Spending Account Limited Flexible Spending Account Available to Consumer Directed HealthSelect Members
Because of the possibility of much higher out-of-pocket costs, you should think carefully before signing up for Consumer Directed HealthSelect. You need to understand all the costs and benefits, to know if the plan is right for you and your family. If you cannot afford thousands of dollars in upfront out-of-pocket costs before the plan starts paying for ANY covered health services and prescriptions (except preventative care), you should NOT enroll in Consumer Directed HealthSelect.
Employee Only$ Spouse$176.84$138.50$ Children$118.40$92.74$ Family$295.24$231.24$265.72
Virtual Visits: Consultation with licensed physician from computer or mobile device to diagnose and treat non- emergency medical conditions such as sinus problems, sore throat, pink eye and bronchitis. $10 copay HealthSelect $40 visit for Consumer Directed HS until deductible is met then $8.00 Real Appeal: FREE online weight loss program available to employees and their dependents over 18 and not enrolled in Medicare part B – with a body mass index(BMI) of 23 or higher.
ERS Discount Purchase Program Available to employees, retirees, and their immediate families Discounts on many products and services, from computers to theme park passes. No sign-up fee Visit today at to start saving!
ERS Designation of Beneficiaries - Visit to update your beneficiaries. For assistance, please contact ERS directly at TRS Designation of Beneficiaries - Complete the TRS 15 form, have it notarized, and submit it to TRS at 1000 Red River Street, Austin, TX
All employees can participate in a 403(b) and/or 457 plan. Maximum annual contributions based on age are set by the IRS. Current annual maximums: Under age 50$18,000 Over age 50$24, Board approved vendors to choose from
Upcoming events
Consumer Directed HealthSelect Webinars at 10:30 am and 1:30 pm June 14 – 16 June 21 – 23 Face-to-Face Session at UH-Clear Lake June 28 at 1:00 pm Summer Enrollment Sessions 9 webinars scheduled Face-to-Face Sessions begin at 10:00 am HCC on West Loop South on July 12 Lonestar College in The Woodlands on July 14 For more info on ERS sessions, visit