Hey Teenagers! Hey Moms!
Tired of sugar highs and lows?
Tired of drinking nutritionally valueless soda pop? Caffeine overdose keeping you from concentrating?
We are proud to present a funky new nutritious product with all the fun and fizz of soda, without the processed sugar and caffeine… …and it is not a DIET drink!!!
Introducing a carbonated beverage that combines healthy milk with four fabulous flavors
Why Buy this exciting new drink? No refined or processed sugar –We use just enough Splenda to sweeten our drink to perfection. Made with 2% low-fat milk –Fulfills a dairy requirement in the food pyramid and can substitute for the milk provided by the school meal programs.
What else does this drink offer? Calcium! –Aids in healthy bone growth –Helps power cognitive connections in the brain No caffeine! –Unlike coffee and most sodas –Provides natural, not artificial energy
Even more??? Wow… Contains no artificial preservatives Costs no more than a can of soda! Comes in plastic, shatter-proof containers –Bottles are individual serving sized so that it is easy to down one on the go!
This exciting new product is available now by taking our consumer survey! We need and value your opinions and feedback. Please take a few minutes to help our company research this new, exciting product!