Dancing TVMoviesSportsSchool
Dancing How should the Christian approach dancing?
The Bible & Dance
A time to dance… Ecclesiastes 3:4
The Bible & Dance What kinds of dancing do we find in the Bible?
Religious Devotion Exodus 15:20 Judges 21: Samuel 6:15-16
Religious Devotion Psalm 30:11 Psalm 149:3 Psalm 150:4
Joy & Celebration Judges 11:34 1 Samuel 18:6 Matthew 11:16-17 Luke 15:25
Sinful Merrymaking Exodus 32:19-25 Mark 6:21-28
The Bible & Dance Which of these fits what goes on at the prom, clubs, bars, etc.?
The Nature of Dance
The Nature Of Dance What was the nature of much of the dancing in the Bible compared to today?
The Nature Of Dance “Men and women never danced together.”
The Nature Of Dance “Even on those occasions where both sexes participated in the sacred professional dances, they always danced separately (Ps. 68:25; Jer. 31:13).”
The Nature Of Dance “Dancing for sensual entertainment was unheard of in Israel.” - Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Dictionary (1995)
The Nature Of Dance “Social dancing, as we now understand it, was almost, if not altogether, unknown in ancient times.” – A Dictionary Of The Bible ( )
The Nature Of Dance “Of the social dancing of couples in the modern fashion there is no trace.” – International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (1915)
The Nature Of Dance The simple truth: Dancing often has a sexual component!
The Nature Of Dance “Dancing is a perpendicular expression of a horizontal desire.” – George Bernard Shaw ( )
The Nature Of Dance “Another motive for the dance is the sexual motive - the dance has always been used as a means of expressing sexual desire and as a means of wooing"- Ted Shawn ( )
The Nature Of Dance “Sexuality, spirituality, sensuality, even rationality are salient features in many forms of dance, but sexuality, ‘can never really be extricated from dance, since the sex act itself may be considered as the ultimate form of dance.’” - Human Sexuality: An Encyclopedia (1994)
The Nature Of Dance Why can non- Christians recognize what Christians refuse to admit?
The Dance & Sin
Sensuality Galatians 5:19
Sensuality Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, (Galatians 5:19 ESV)
Sensuality “The original Greek word meant, “of wanton acts or manners, as filthy words, indecent bodily movements, unchaste handling of males and females (Thayer, Lexicon, p. 79, 80).”
Sensuality Hebrews 13:4
Immodesty 1 Timothy 2:8-10
Drunkenness 1 Peter 4:1-4
Bad Company 1 Corinthians 15:33
Make No Provision Romans 13:13-14
Flee Sin 1 Corinthians 6:18 2 Timothy 2:22
Preserve Purity 1 John 3:3
Stumbling Blocks Matthew 5:27-28
Stumbling Blocks Matthew 18:6-7
Influence Matthew 5:13-16
Dancing TVMoviesSportsSchool
Dancing How should the Christian approach dancing?
Dancing Dancing violates numerous Bible principles.
Dancing Therefore, dancing is sinful!
Discern Good & Evil Hebrews 5:14