Nutrition for Healthy Families Training Package


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Presentation transcript:

Nutrition for Healthy Families Training Package Anthropometry Nutrition for Healthy Families Training Package

Material Covered in this Section Equipment used in anthropometry How to measure Practice measuring Plot measurements on growth charts

Types of Equipment for Measurements of Weight Hanging or salter scale (typically for children 6 months to 2 years)

Equipment for Measurements of Weight United Nations (1986) How to Weigh and Measure Children: Assessing the Nutritional Status of Young Children in Household Surveys. New York.

Equipment for Measurements of Weight Mechanical Beam Balance Scale Typically for children over 2 years old Insert pictures

Equipment for Measurements of Weight Bathroom-Style Scale (typically for children over 2years of age, or mothers holding children under 2) Photo Credit: Carolyn Barrett, RD, MS, MPH Response RPCV/Guatemala

Equipment for Measurements of Height or Length Length board (typically for measuring children under 2 years old) Photo Credit: Carolyn Barrett, RD, MS, MPH Response RPCV/Guatemala

Equipment for Measurements of Height or Length Stadiometer or Height Board (Typically for children 2years and older) Photo Credit: Mary (Gibson) Wulf, MS, MPH RPCV/Dominican Republic

Equipment Used for MUAC Measurement MUAC Tape Photo Credit: Ian Huei Yau, PCV/Senegal

Plotting Growth on a Chart Sample growth chart – Girls 0-5 Length/Height for Age

Reminder of Decision Tree for Work with Acute Malnutrition