人教修订版 高中三年级 Unit 15
Extensive Reading
Lead-in Jeans
Do you like wearing jeans?
Skimming 1. According to the text, why did people in the past like to wear jeans? Would you say this is still true today? Because they were cheap, strong and comfortable and I think this is still true today.
2. Would you say jeans are still as popular with young people today? Why or why not? I think jeans are still popular with young people today because they are of different styles, different colors and different decorations.
The constant changes can meet the needs of the young people who are always seeking new and interesting things.
Scanning What happened in the following years according to the text? In 1870s: A shopkeeper in San Francisco succeeded in selling denim work trousers. In 1930s: Many young American men bought jeans and dressed like their cowboy film stars.
In World War Two: American jeans were introduced by the soldiers to the world. After the war: American teenagers started to make denim jeans their own unique item of fashion.
In 1950s: The school ban on students wearing jeans made jeans even more popular. Between 1950s and 1990s: The jeans have been through many different changes in style.
In 1990s: Jeans were made more stretch and even tighter over the bottom and legs. More recently: Wearing jeans that looked very old became popular.
Explanation 1. reputation: n. name, good name e.g. He has a good/high reputation. He has a reputation for idleness. 2. uniform: n. clothes that are uniform in style
e.g. He looks handsome in uniform. Railway workers wear dark blue uniforms. 3. casual: adj. not formal e.g. She is wearing a casual dress. 4. whereas: conj. while, but in contrast e.g. She is ill, whereas I am only a little tired.
5. out of fashion: become/be unpopular as a style e.g. Short skirts are out of fashion now. 6. dream of: hope for something nice in the future e.g. He dreams of becoming a pilot. We all dream of peace.
7. approve of: be pleased with e.g. Our parents didn’t approve of our playing games on Sundays. 8. be through: have finished e.g. He is not through yet. Are you through (with) your work yet? I’m through with him.
Writing 1. Do you know how to conduct a survey? We have to design a questionnaire. 2. But what kinds of questions should be included? Open questions and closed questions.
3. What’s the difference between them? Wh- questions are open questions while yes or no questions are closed questions.
Work in pairs to design a questionnaire referring to the given ideas in the box on Page 135, and then collect information from your classmates.
Sample In China, for example, a recent survey shows that half men and 38% of women regularly wear jeans, but it is with young people that they continue to be most fashionable: Jeans are the first choice for 70% of
those in the age group. Each of them at least has seven or eight jeans. Jeans which are stretched and look old are their favorites. Less than half of the teenagers in China wear other types of casual trousers sometimes.
Homework 1. Try to retell the text about the development of American jeans in terms of years. 2. Design a questionnaire about music, sports, voluntary work, fashion or other youth culture issues. 3. Conduct a survey among students in our school.