Library Skills Class WUCB101 Marketing Principles
Today’s Class Learn some techniques for searching Find definitions and concise information Find journal articles in Business Source Premier Evaluate information sources
Today’s Class Planning STEP 1 Searching STEP 2 Evaluating STEP 3
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STEP 1: Planning Planning STEP 1 Identifying keywords and alternative keywords Finding background information on your topic Using connecting words and truncation to improve your search strategy
Sample Essay Question Product augmentation is an essential tool that marketers use to add value to the products or services they produce. Do you agree?
KeywordsAlternative keywords
Product augmentation is an essential tool that marketers use to add value to the products or services they produce. Do you agree? KeywordsAlternative keywords product augmentation tool marketers value products or services
Product augmentation is an essential tool that marketers use to add value to the products or services they produce. Do you agree? KeywordsAlternative keywords product augmentation Product or augment/augmentation product management extended product tool strategy/strategies Advertising (ethical advertising) marketing marketers company business organisation or organization value benefits/barriers promotion profit or philanthropy products or services goods core product corporate social responsibility
Activity Write down the keywords or concepts in your question. Can you think of any alternative keywords or synonyms? Record these on your sheet.
Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias Subject dictionaries: offer definitions for your topic or keywords Subject encyclopaedias: Concise information or background information Held in print or online, eg: Oxford Reference Online
Activity Use Oxford Reference Online to find a definition or background information on your main keywords. the definition to yourself. Found any alternative keywords? Record them on your worksheet.
Information resources Books: Provide background or basic information on your topic. Journal articles: Provide recent information and research. Websites: Provide facts, figures and background information.
Connecting words product AND marketing
Connecting words product OR good
Truncation Used to find variations in word endings e.g. market* markets marketed marketers marketing
Using truncation employ employs employing employer employment employable employm* employer employment employing employ* What word or words will I find?
STEP 2: Searching Search the Library catalogue for information on your topic Search the Library’s databases for information on your topic Searching STEP 2
Journals Also known as magazine, serials or periodicals Important source of new information on a topic Regularly published Each issue contains many articles
Databases Features Current information Specialisation Search capabilities Electronic access Information types Journal articles Newspaper articles Company information Much more … DATABASES
Searching databases Databases are very large containing millions of articles. To locate information effectively we need to: Use keywords and alternative keywords Use connectors AND/OR effectively Use truncation
Activity Search the Business Source Premier database for information on your essay question.
Tip! Searching on your topic If you have a good article, find additional information on the topic by: Checking the keywords listed on the article Checking the references at the end of the article
Tip! Searching on your topic
STEP 3: Evaluating Are the articles I have found relevant to my topic? Did I find academic journal articles? Evaluating STEP 3
Types of journals Popular Journals General public - audience No abstracts, references Lots of advertising and pictures Trade Journals Based on an industry or profession Some have authors and short abstracts If references then usually 3-4
Academic journals Author’s listed Abstract Reference List Specialised audience Technical language Little or no advertising or pictures
Understanding Journal Types
Activity What type of journal is this?
UOW Author-Date (Harvard) Referencing Guide
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