APPRAISAL UPDATE 2016 By the Numbers Florida Update Legal Eagles Section Federal Update
By the Numbers…
HOW DOES FLORIDA COMPARE? States with the largest numbers of licensees* * Source: ASC Website 06/02/2016 StateNumber of Licensees California10,544 Florida6,563 Texas5,270 New York3,881 Illinois3,694
HOW DOES FLORIDA COMPARE? Total Appraisal Credentials Nationally* *Source: ASC 2015 Annual Report
COMPLAINTS Must be resolved within 1 year Mandatory reporting from Dodd Frank, Sec. 1472: “Any mortgage lender, mortgage broker, mortgage banker, real estate broker, appraisal management company, employee of an appraisal management company, or any other person involved in a real estate transaction involving an appraisal in connection with a consumer credit transaction secured by the principal dwelling of a consumer who has a reasonable basis to believe an appraiser is failing to comply with USPAP, is violating applicable laws, or is otherwise engaging in unethical or unprofessional conduct, shall refer the matter to the applicable State appraiser certifying and licensing agency.”
COMPLAINTS IN FLORIDA How many FREAB complaints received?
Florida Update
FLORIDA STATUTE CHANGES SB 608 – 475 Part II Changes, Appraisal Effective July 1, 2015
FLORIDA STATUTES / RULES - RECENT Florida Statutes HB – Unlicensed activity fees Florida Rules – 61J – 11/17/2015 61J – 2/2/2016 61J – 2/2/2016
FLORIDA - ONGOING PROJECTS Interagency AMC Final Rule Rule Effective August of 2015 States then have 3 years Stay tuned… Website Changes
Business Registration / Updating Address Work File Legal Cases
LEGAL EAGLES The Appraisal Foundation – Remedial Education Survey 10 categories: 10. Highest and best use 9. Standard 3 review appraising 8. Staying USPAP compliant : dealing with your client 7. Staying USPAP compliant: recordkeeping 6. Report certification: what am I signing and why? 5. Supervisory appraiser role and expectations 4. Neighborhood analysis 3. Scope of work: inspections 2. The approaches to value 1. Report writing vs. filling out form
Federal Update Appraisal Subcommittee (ASC) AAnnual Report AAdvisory Committee RResults on asc.gov NNational Registry UUnique Appraisal ID Number AAMC National Registry Rule – 5/2016 AAMC Regulation UUpcoming Policy Statements DDiscussion Points
The Appraisal Foundation (TAF) CCourses: IIntroduction to USPAP UUSPAP Terms RRemedial Education IInvestigator Training FFocus on Consumer AArticles, Booklets VVideotaped Messages w
Appraisal Qualifications Board (AQB) CCriteria effective January 1,2015 BBackground Checks – Newer Section AAlternatives EExposure Draft #1 CConcept Paper AApproved degree programs
AQB: May 2015 Version; Qualifications for Appraisers
AQB CRITERIA – BACKGROUND CHECKS Background Checks Implementation date: January 1, 2017 Florida
AQB CRITERIA – EDUCATION CriteriaFlorida Rules Degree10.003, Experience – good for 5 years Hour USPAP Course – every 2 years Supervisor / Trainee Class4.010,
AQB CRITERIA - SUPERVISION Supervision CriteriaFlorida Supervisory Appraisers shall be state-certified and in “good standing” in the jurisdiction in which the Trainee Appraiser practices for a period of at least three (3) years Supervisory appraisers shall have been state certified for a minimum of 4 years prior to being eligible to become a supervisory appraiser. …shall be in good standing in the same jurisdiction in which the trainee appraiser practices for a minimum of four (4) years. Supervisory Appraisers shall not have been subject to any disciplinary action within any jurisdiction within the last three (3) years that affects the Supervisory Appraiser’s legal eligibility to engage in appraisal practice …shall not have been subject to any disciplinary action in any jurisdiction within the last three (3) years that affects the supervisory appraiser’s legal eligibility to engage in appraisal practice. In addition, an appraiser who is currently under probation may not act as a supervisory appraiser.
AQB CRITERIA - SUPERVISION Supervision CriteriaFlorida Jointly maintain log Jointly maintain log A Supervisory Appraiser may not supervise more than three Trainee Appraisers at one time, unless a state program in the licensing jurisdiction provides to progress monitoring, supervising certified appraiser qualifications, and supervision oversight requirements for Supervisory Appraisers – 3 trainees A Trainee Appraiser is permitted to have more than one Supervisory Appraiser.
AQB CRITERIA AQB – 2014, 2015, 2016 Public Testimony at Meetings Presentations to the AQB Other Presentations AQB Concept Paper
AQB CRITERIA AQB – First Exposure Draft – May 18, 2016 1. Alternative Track for Licensed Residential to Certified Residential 2. Enhanced Practicum Curriculum 3. Alternative Experience 4. “Trainee” Nomenclature 5. Three-Year Supervisory Jurisdictional Requirement
Federal Update Appraisal Standards Board (ASB) 2 USPAP Changes AAdopted February 6, 2015 RRelease of Final USPAP EExposure Drafts - 4 RRetirement of Standards CConfidentiality CContinued FAQ’s
Appraisal Standards Board (ASB) 2 USPAP Exposure Draft #1 AApril 13, 2016 55 Sections SStay tuned…