The call of the wild Chapter 1 교과목 : 미국소설 교수명 : 김연만 교수님 조원 : 김유숙, 송혜정, 김일도 교과목 : 미국소설 교수명 : 김연만 교수님 조원 : 김유숙, 송혜정, 김일도
Introduction of Jack London Back Ground Summary Vocabulary Grammar Introduction of Jack London Back Ground Summary Vocabulary Grammar
Jack London His Birth Jack London was born in Jan. 12, His Books (novels, stories, journalism, and essays) The Call of the Wild, White Fang, The Sea-Wolf, To Build a Fire The White Silence Trip Experience the Yukon, California, Hawaii, and the Solomon Islands. His death He died in Nov. 22, 1916, the age of 40. His Birth Jack London was born in Jan. 12, His Books (novels, stories, journalism, and essays) The Call of the Wild, White Fang, The Sea-Wolf, To Build a Fire The White Silence Trip Experience the Yukon, California, Hawaii, and the Solomon Islands. His death He died in Nov. 22, 1916, the age of 40.
Klondike Gold Rush Routes Map In August 1896, three people led by Keish Keish Looked for gold in Bonanza (Rabbit) Creek, Yukon.Bonanza (Rabbit) Creek The news spread to other mining camps in the Yukon River valley. Rabbit Creek was later named Bonanza Creek because so many people came to the creek for gold. (Bonanza means big money.)Bonanza Creek In total, about 12.5 million ounces of gold (about 390 tonnes) have been taken from the Klondike area in the century since its discoveryKlondike
Santa Clara Valley
Summary Buck was a tidewater dog. It means a dog which lives near the sea. He has the strong muscle and warm, long hair. His father is a Saint Burnard and his mother is a shepherd dog. (He is an only fiction character so I couldn’t discover his photo.). Late 19C There was Gold Rush in Yukon area in Canada. People needed strong dogs which can work hard in mining. He was a perfect dog for men who were looking for dogs for working at the mining places in the Northland He lived at a big house of Judge Miller ’ s place in Santa Clara Valley, Sun kissed place. Judge Miller ’ s place has nice view; cool veranda, graveled driveways, great stables, long grape arbors. Buck enjoyed his freedom there. He usually spent his days with Mr.Miller ’ s son and daughters. It couldn ’ t be better One fall night, his master left home for a meeting and boys were busy organizing an athletic club. Buck saw Manuel, gardener ’ s helper, receving money from stranger, walking through the orchard. And then they kidnapped Buck. Halfway through the night Buck is transferred to a cage-like crate. In the morning, four men come to pick up the crate. They amuse themselves by poking sticks at him. Buck is conveyed to a railway depot, where he is placed in an express car. He stays there for two days and nights, during which he neither eats nor drinks. He is bundled off the train at Seattle, where a man in a red sweater takes charge of him. The man lets Buck out of the cage, and Buck attacks him in fury, but the man brutally beats him into submission with a club.
Summary Buck will always remember the man with the red sweater, for this is his introduction to the "law of the club" and to the laws of the primitive world. One day a man named Perrault bought Buck for $300 and turned over to Francois. Perrault delivers dispatches for the Canadian Government, and he knows the value of a good dog on the trail. Buck and Curly meet two other dogs on the ship that are going north with the men. One is a big white dog from Spitzbergen. Buck finds him to be "friendly in a treacherous sort of way." The other is an unfriendly and gloomy dog named Dave who just wants to be left alone. These dogs are more experienced than Buck and Curly and laugh at them when they react to the ship's rocking or show fear at the howl of a storm at sea. The weather grows colder and colder as the ship sails north. Buck soon discovers that there are other dogs below deck, and after an indeterminate length of time, they all dock and there Buck encounters something entirely new; Buck discovers "white stuff that was falling through the air." This is his first encounter with snow. At first, it puzzles him, but when some onlookers laugh at him, he feels ashamed Buck will always remember the man with the red sweater, for this is his introduction to the "law of the club" and to the laws of the primitive world. One day a man named Perrault bought Buck for $300 and turned over to Francois. Perrault delivers dispatches for the Canadian Government, and he knows the value of a good dog on the trail. Buck and Curly meet two other dogs on the ship that are going north with the men. One is a big white dog from Spitzbergen. Buck finds him to be "friendly in a treacherous sort of way." The other is an unfriendly and gloomy dog named Dave who just wants to be left alone. These dogs are more experienced than Buck and Curly and laugh at them when they react to the ship's rocking or show fear at the howl of a storm at sea. The weather grows colder and colder as the ship sails north. Buck soon discovers that there are other dogs below deck, and after an indeterminate length of time, they all dock and there Buck encounters something entirely new; Buck discovers "white stuff that was falling through the air." This is his first encounter with snow. At first, it puzzles him, but when some onlookers laugh at him, he feels ashamed
Vocabulary pronunciation 1demesne 〔 dimein 〕 a demesne of the State 2ramblea long walk in the countrysid e a moonlight ramble Words Pronoun MeaningKorean 1demesne dimeinland attached to a manor (= large house) 소유지, 영지 2ramblerǽmbla long walk in the countryside 거닐다, 산책하다 3insularinsələronly interested in your own country 섬나라, 편협한 4Damnation dæm | ne ɪʃ n the state of being in hell 저주, 욕설 5Progeny pr ɑ ́dƷəni sons and grandsons 자손, 아이들, 후계자 6Treachery tret ʃ əri change of mind[heart 배반, 위약, 변절 7Chink t ʃ íŋk Fill up a holechink up a hole 구멍을 메우다
Vocabulary Words Pronoun MeaningKorean 8StoutStáutdurable 살찐, 풍체가 당당한 튼튼한, 천이 질긴 9Grunt ɡ r ʌ ́nt you make a low sound, especially because you are annoyed The stranger grunted a ready. 이방인은 툴툴거렸다. 툴툴거리다, 불평하다 10affirmative əfə́ ː rmətiv an affirmative word or reply means ‘yes’ or expresses agreement an affirmative answer 확고한 답변 확언적인, 단정적인
Vocabulary wordsPronou n MeaningKorean 11soliloquizeto speak to himself or herself 혼잣말하다 12boltTo eat it so quickly =swallow 삼키다 13consignmenta load that is being delivered to a place 탁송 14impartialto give a fair opinion 공평한 15morosebad-tempered 성미가 까다로운 16leashto attach to the dog's collar 가죽끈으로 매다 17mushyto soft and have lost most of their shape 무른 18onlookersomeone who watches an event 구경꾼 19vagueit does not explain or express things clearly. 막연한, 모호한
WordsPronounMeaningKorean 20Assailthey criticize you strongly. 공격하다. 21tormentora person who deliberately causes them physical or mental pain. 괴롭히는 사람 22Assortmenta group of similar things that are of different sizes 구분, 분류 23slouchsit or stand with their shoulders 고개를 숙임 24scatter throw or drop so that they spread all over the area. 흩뿌리다.
Grammar Participle Phrase Men, groping in the Arctic darkness, had found a yellow metal. men 을 수식하는 분사구문 The dogs they wanted were heavy dogs, with strong muscles. 관계대명사 dogs 를 수식하는 분사구문 So ~ that emphasized sentence So changed was he that the Judge himself would not have recognized him; and the express messengers breathed with relief when they bundled him off the train at seattle. He was so changed that~ He was so changed that~. ( so that emphasized sentence )