Mrs. Madden
Expectations I expect all of you to do your very best with each project. You may not always like what we are doing, but do your best to make your own and to keep you interested. When you can do that, you will enjoy your work. Respect You need to respect each other’s work. Everyone in this class has the right to feel comfortable in here to create. Preparedness Everyday, you need to come to class prepared and ready to work. Bring your sketchbook, pencil, eraser, and sharpener.
The Order of Things When you create a piece of art, there is a creative process to get the absolute best idea onto the page. Thumbnails Thumbnails are small, 30 second drawings that are done to develop your ideas into images. If it takes more time than that, then you are doing too many details. You are required to create at LEAST 6 different ideas for each project. The point is to get all of your ideas out of your head. Usually, your more expected, boring ideas come out first. When you continue to push your ideas, more interesting and creative designs will emerge and that always helps with your final design. You will have one day to create thumbnails in class. After that, it is your homework to be ready for class the next day. Top of piece Bottom of piece Side
Rough Drafts Roughs are made after you have created you thumbnails and have gotten them approved. It is a tighter drawing. This is where you use reference photos and decide your color scheme. You have a day and a half to make a quality rough draft. After that, it is your homework to be ready for class the next day. Reference Reference photos are photos you use, whether you took the photos, found them on the internet, or from books or magazines. They are images that have the same image you would like to include in your piece. The same pose, lighting, anything that you want your work to look like. The better the reference, the easier it will be to draw it out. Color Scheme A color scheme means the colors you will use in your project. You are to color your entire drawing to determine the color scheme. The purpose of this is to know exactly what colors you plan on using and see how they look together on the final piece. You want to have it all planned before you get to your final work.
Finals The time for completing a final project will always be different. I will give more than adequate time to finish an assignment. You will always be allowed to take projects home to complete them. It is your responsibility to hand in assignments on time and showing quality work. If you put the time and patience in a piece, it will always show. Taking Work Home When you take work home, supplies get complicated. If you take a project that needs color pencils, try to buy your own. It is good to develop an eye for your favorite colors, as they vary in different brands. If you need to borrow mine, please ask. Do not take anything out without asking. If you need to take home paint, bring in a plastic container, such as Ziploc, Gladware, or Tupperware to safely bring the paint home,. Keep everything At the end of each project, I will be collecting your thumbnails and rough drafts. They will be averaged into your final grade for your project. If one or both components are missing, you will lose points.