Potable Reuse in Texas Where Are We Now? Joel Klumpp Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Potable Reuse in Texas Where Are We Now?
Drought Monitor Map of Texas on October 4, 2011
Low-Lake Water Source Picture
Water Data for Texas Map on February 16, 2016 Waterdatafortexas.org February 16, 2016
Direct Potable Reuse in Texas One plant in operation One plant operated for a year One plant with construction approval One PWS just finished a pilot test One PWS preparing to pilot test Many other PWSs have expressed interest…
TCEQ Approach Case-by-case basis In response to drought Require a pilot study (or verification test) Start counting credits after WWTP Sum of removal and inactivation credits must meet or exceed minimum treatment required
TCEQ Approach Continued Minimum pathogen treatment set by: Define risk: annual risk of infection of for potable water - based on SWTR Define maximum source water concentration based on acceptable risk Giardia: SWTR, 1989 Rotavirus: Regli et al, 1991 Cryptosporidium: LT2 Bin 3, 2006 Characterize source water: monitoring should be at least monthly for at least one year Set minimum treatment requirements to ensure protection of public health
Current Status of DPR Projects in Texas CRMWD at Big Spring Start date: April 2013 Status: operational Wichita Falls Emergency Temporary DPR Project Start date: July 2014 Status: closed City of Brownwood Start date: construction approval + full-scale verification granted December 2012; no decision to begin project at this time El Paso Water Utilities DPR Start date: recently completed pilot testing their proposed treatment process
Colorado River Municipal Water District
Monitoring Locations, Frequency, and Shut-down Conditions CRMWD Raw Water Production Facility Example diagram showing Monitoring Locations, Frequency, and Shut-down Conditions used at the CRMWD Raw Water Production Facility Reclamation Facility Effluent Nitrate - daily > 10 mg/L Nitrite – work daily > 1.0 mg/L E. coli – weekly > 0 CFU/L % of reclaimed water in Pipeline - 4 hrs > 50% DBPs - monthly MCL/SCL chemicals - quarterly > MCLs Giardia - monthly Cryptosporidium – monthly Total effluent produced - daily Ultraviolet Light MF Membranes MF Effluent Total water produced each unit – daily Monochlor. – weekly Total Cl 2 – weekly Free Ammonia - weekly RO Effluent TDS – continuously > 20% or 40 µS/cm over last reading Ultraviolet Light D val - 5 min < 100 mJ/cm 2 Flow - 5 min. ³ 7.39 MGD UVT - 4 hours < 40.3% Lamps off - 5 min. > 2 Big Spring WWTP Effluent Turbidity – continuous ³ 10 NTU Giardia – monthly Cryptosporidium – monthly Flow - 30 min Total WWTP effluent - daily E. Coli - weekly CRMWD Facility Reverse Osmosis Big Spring WWTP MF Units DIT – daily - fail IFE turbidity - 5 min > 0.15 NTU DIT after CIP - fail Flow through each unit - daily
The Future of Reuse in Texas Texas Water Development Board Reuse Resource Document can be used for those considering DPR Lessons learned so far: PWSs should evaluate all sources of water before moving forward with a reuse project The multiple barriers required for reuse projects are expensive, require experienced operators, and commitment to monitoring those parameters necessary to demonstrate adequate treatment is achieved
The Future of Reuse in Texas Lessons learned continued: DPR Projects include innovative treatment technologies which require either a pilot study or a full-scale verification test Due to the innovative nature of these projects, public water systems considering DPR should factor in adequate review time and coordination with the TCEQ
Questions? Joel Klumpp TCEQ