Inventions of the Industrial Revolution: Unit Eight Student Edition
Today’s Main Idea: The technological breakthroughs of the Industrial Age included advances in electric power, transportation, communication, science and medicine.
Its electric… ▫People had trouble trying to harness the power of electricity ▫ The 1 st residential street with electricity was in NYC
A light in the dark… Thomas Edison invented the 1 st usable light bulb in 1879 ▫This meant people could work into the night Homes were also lit with the light bulb
Planes, Trains & Automobiles Before the steam engine the only way to travel on land was by foot and by horse ▫ - a process in the 1850’s that led to faster, cheaper steel production ▫This became a viable form of travel and trade
The Automobile ▫ The hot air balloon was the precursor to the Airplane ▫In the early 20 th century the Wright Brothers had their first successful flight
Before there was texting… The telegraph changed the way people communicate ▫Telegraph – implements the use of electrical current to send messages across long distances, messages travelled through wires ▫ ▫By 1866 telegraph wire was laid across the Atlantic We now could quickly communicate with Europe
Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone ▫He first called someone in the other room ▫Within a couple of years you could call across the country and eventually around the world 1895 the wireless radio is invented ▫ This eventually would lead to Edison’s invention of the phonograph