Unit 3, Week 1
What are the powers put forth by our Constitution?- The Preamble and The Legislative Branch -To form a more perfect union -for countries to agree to join and cooperate -To establish justice -treating each citizen equally and creating a national court system -To ensure domestic tranquility -to keep the peace among people -To provide for the common defense -power to maintain an army and protect everyone -To promote the general welfare; To secure the blessings of liberty -protecting rights, regulate the economy, promote science and technology
What are the powers put forth by our Constitution? The Preamble and The Legislative Branch -Separation of Powers: dividing the national government into parts to ensure that no part of the government has too much authority. -We have three branches in our government. -Legislative Branch: Has congress which makes the laws and approves the President’s decisions -Judicial Branch: Has the Supreme Court who interprets the Constitution. -Executive Branch: Has the president and other agencies who lead and carry out the laws that Congress passes.
What are the powers put forth by our Constitution? The Preamble and The Legislative Branch The Legislative Branch consists of The Capitol Building. Within it are two sides, The House of Representatives and The Senate Senate: Each state gets two senators in the senate and the Vice President is the President of the Senate. He/ She can break ties if needed. Senators hold office for 6 years, and have to be 30 years old.
What are the powers put forth by our Constitution? The Preamble and The Legislative Branch The Senate confirms presidential appointments, and tries impeachment cases. Any new laws have to be approved by the Senate and the House of Representatives The House of Representatives: The house consists of 435 members. Each state gets a certain number of members based on the population. Example: CA has 53 The leader is called The Speaker of the House and is chosen by the other representatives. They are 3 rd in line for the presidency.
What are the powers put forth by our Constitution? The Preamble and The Legislative Branch Representatives must be at least 25 years old, and they are elected for only 2 years. The House can do the following: begin revenue bills (money), and decide the president in a voting tie. Both the Senate and the House make laws, declare war on other nations, and decide how to spend the nation’s money
What are the powers put forth by our Constitution? The Executive Branch The Executive Branch is made up of the President, the Vice President, and the Cabinet. The White House and Air Force One are their main offices. The President is the head of state and the commander in chief (leader of the military). His duties include: execution and enforcement of laws, approves laws, appoints heads of federal departments, conducts diplomacy with other nations, carries out wars, and can pardon people of federal crimes 3 requirements to be President- 35 years old, natural born citizen, lived in the US for 14 years.
What are the powers put forth by our Constitution? The Executive Branch The Vice President’s main duties are to be ready to become president in the case that something happens and to be the President of the Senate. The Cabinet consists of many departments that work underneath the president such as The Departments of: Agriculture, Commerce, Defense (military), Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Justice (includes, FBI and DEA), Labor, State, Transportation, Treasury, and Veteran’s Affairs.
What are the powers put forth by our Constitution? The Judicial Branch The Judicial Branch is made up of the Supreme Court and lower federal courts. The Supreme Court is made up of 9 judges. The one who is the leader is called the Chief Justice. They hold court in the Supreme Court Building in Washington DC. The main duties of the Supreme Court are to decide on the constitutionality of laws as well as see cases that have to do with people’s rights. The justices of the Supreme Court are chosen by the President and have their job for life.
What are the powers put forth by our Constitution? Articles IV, V, and VI Article IV of the Constitution talks about states and how they interact with each other and the government. It regulates how new states can be made. It says that all states have to allow their rights to visitors who may be from another state. It also guarantees that the national government will protect all of the states equally. Article V of the Constitution talks about the amendment process. An amendment is something new that is added to the Constitution (such as a law)
What are the powers put forth by our Constitution? Articles IV, V, and VI In order for something new to be added it has to be proposed by at least 2/3 of the members of Congress. Then it will go to the states for ratification. Amendments can also be canceled by the same vote. Article VI of the Constitution is the supremacy clause which states that the Constitution is the highest law of the land and no other laws can go above it including state laws.