TODAY’S GOALS Move into the final stage of synthesis and begin formulating theses Select topics for the final class debate
SYNTHESIS PROCESS- FINAL STAGES Steps for the synthesis writing process: 1.Explore your texts through summary writing The goal here is to deepen your understanding of the issue. However, you do not need to summarize the sources in your final essay. 2.Explore your texts’ rhetorical strategies What are their main supporting points and data? You may wish to use some of these when constructing your own argument. 3.Explore the main themes and similarities and differences in your texts’ ideas Look for connections between the main ideas and data of all the different sources. Your quote bank may be very helpful here. 4.Generate ideas of your own Consider your own viewpoint before and after reading your secondary sources. How has it changed? What is your unique perspective on the issue? 5.Take your position in the conversation: your synthesis This will be your thesis, the most important part of the synthesis essay
SYNTHESIS ESSAY- THESIS STRATEGIES Clear Keep your thesis short, preferably one sentence Begin your thesis with an independent clause, focusing on the subject of that clause Eliminate any unnecessary words, clauses, or information Credible Do not mention any 1 st or 2 nd person Do not include specific source evidence in the thesis itself Make sure your thesis is perfectly edited Original: Use “should” to propose a solution to a specific audience Use “because” to add unique reasoning to your thesis Do not repeat the main ideas of your sources, even if you agree with them Be as specific as possible! Arguable Make your thesis contentious Base your thesis on one side of an issue (determined by your own opinion and knowledge) rather than be objective Don’t make obvious statements; be surprising
CLASS DISCUSSION- EXAMPLE SYNTHESIS THESES What are each of these theses doing well? How could each still be revised? “Social media can be very beneficial especially when it comes to communication, but people should learn how to manage its usage especially during everyday usage and memorable experiences.” “Though we rely on technology and the internet, the internet and technology are more helpful than harmful and can in moderation help people socially, economically, and their overall health.” “The misdiagnosis of ADHD and sleep disorders can lead to irreversible damage that can cause serious behavioral and neurological damage in our growing children, and it should be avoided by providing better training and equipment to the physicians charged with making that distinction.” “Due to the growing childhood obesity epidemic in America, I believe all Americans should eliminate their consumption of high-fructose corn syrup to prevent future health problems.”
DEBATE MODIFICATIONS New topics and groups Revised grading system with emphasis on counterarguments All students given two minutes of speaking time Every student required to bring in one source Use of multimedia and other strategies encouraged
REVISED DEBATE GRADING SYSTEM Arguments 40% At least 1 main point per speaker Utilize all rhetorical appeals Arguments are rhetorically sound Propose a solution(s) Counterarguments 40% Did each speaker make a counter argument? Did the group take advantage of any rhetorical weak points? Did the group use any of the advanced counter argument strategies discussed in class? Time Management 10% Are all speaking points adequately explained? Individual Participation/Speaking 10% How well did the speaker present their argument? Is the speaker calm and well-prepared?
GROUP ACTIVITY- DEBATE PLANNING In your unit 3 groups Spend 5 minutes discussing your experiences with the prior class debates and what you would like to discuss in the final class debate 1.Select 3 debate topics to propose to the class that you would be interested in discussing 2.Select 2 debate topics that you would recommend for the class to avoid
HOMEWORK Create a thesis for your synthesis essay Typed or handwritten Brought to class on Wednesday Will also be included for conference grade Sign up for conference 4 Sign up sheet available at 5 pm Conferences held over two week period Registration will close on Wednesday