Few Highlights from HEPIX/HEPNT Alberto Pace
Warning This is not a comprehensive report. See Alan Silverman’s excellent summary if you need this (on the DMM web site) This presentation contains highlights on few arbitrary selected topics that I have been particularly following during the meeting
Windows Infrastructure Windows used at all labs, with or without infrastructure DESY, IN2P3 and SLAC deploying active directory Slac focussing on Server 2003 and XP workstation Desy currently building the “Registry” (== CCDB) In2p3 Forest in production with 7 labs, total 11 foreseen Talk from Microsoft on Windows SFU (Services for Unix)
Virus and Worms All labs have dedicated resources for virus and worm tracking Affects all operating systems and mail Unmanaged desktop environments are the most exposed to attacks Taken seriously at all laboratories Main point: supporting unmanaged desktop is a non- scalable task
Mail Public domain software or Exchange Slac migrating from Exchange 5.5 to 2003 Anti spam a hot topic Often an activity with dedicated resources Many labs using Spamassin or its derivatives Few implemented Bayesian filters A constant race between spammers and mail administrators No labs currently using commercial products Some labs seeks collaborations, other seeks commercial solutions
Other points Password synchronization While waiting for single sign-on technologies, SLAC, FNAL introducing Unix/Windows password synchronization. Jlab already did it several years ago. From the user point of view, similar to single sign on Certificate distribution issues Certificates will be used for grid authentication and could be used for secure and web authentication A technology that has proven to be reliable, but that end-users often do not understand the technology leading to insecure environments. A centralized management / identity management necessary Windows Terminal Services User successfully at DESY, SLAC, Oxford, RAL. CERN is not pioneering this area.
Conclusion Useful meeting, lot of technical content, several in depth technical peer-to-peer discussions Same technologies used across all labs means similar problems Plenty of synergies and opportunities Sharing ideas works very well, cross-lab collaborations more difficult but possible