Nationalism in Africa, Middle East and Asia
Bell Ringer Purple book p APPARTS Author will be Arthur Balfour
Independence for Egypt Create Chronological list depicting the different events that contributed to the end of British Rule in Egypt 1914 – England declares Egypt protectorate 1922 – protectorate statutes came to an end Any problems with Anglo-Egyptian treaty?
New Political Forces in Africa, Asia and Middle East Egypt 1914 Protectorate of England 1922 give Egypt Independence England kept troops in Egypt Still allowed to defend Suez Canal Strong Nationalism in Egypt 1935 Italy invaded Ethiopia Create Anglo - Egyptian Treaty Egypt greater independence Britain control of Suez Canal keep troops in Egypt until after WWII
Anglo-Egyptian Treaty
Palestine British mandates = Transjordan, Iraq and Palestine Arabs in Palestine = nationalism Promise of Freedom in WWI Give some freedom to Transjordan and Iraq not Palestine OIL Jews in Palestine Zionism Theodor Herzel Arthur Balfour = Balfour Declaration By 1937 more Jews coming from Germany Peel Commission
Arthur Balfour = Balfour Declaration
Peel Commission
Passive resistance, boycott, civil liberties, nationalist political gatherings and constitution How did Indian use the above terms for independence? How did England try and stand in their way?
India India gives $ and Troops = more self government Problems with independence British Indian Mohandas Gandhi Mahatma Passive Resistance 1935 Constitution
Statute of Westminster British Commonwealth formed
How did Britain rule in Egypt and the Middle East come to an end? How did Indians push for self rule? How did Britain deal with calls of change in other parts of their empire?
Create a flow chart that shows the rise of Nationalism in Turkey. What changes did Kemal (ATATURK) bring to Turkey. Characterize the changes?
Turkey Land of Ottoman Empire Rise of Nationalism Mustafa Kemal Republic of Turkey Changes to Turkey Ataturk
Why did Reza Khan want to seize power in Persia? Describe rule and changes that he made to Iran? Compare Khan and Kemal
Persia Britain/Russia Sphere of Influence Coup lead by Reza Khan Change name Reza Shah Palavi Modernize Iran Power rest in Shah secret police Allied with Germany
Create a Cause and Effect Chart showing the change in African attitude toward colonial governments after WWI. Some times an effect leads to another effect. Africans want reforms or independence Africans begin to organize Colonial leaders strengthen the authority of tribal chiefs who favor colonial rule
Africa fought in WWI thought get more rights contradiction of British teachings and actions Anti-colonial protest Crack down Nnamdi Azikiwe = Nigeria Jomo Kenyatta = Kenya Leopold Senghor = Senegal Used methods of Gandhi
Unrest in China China under Imperial power in late 1800 early 1900's Started on coast but sphere moving inward US wanted Open Door Policy China still up for Foreign Control!!!
Foreign influence on China Foreigners roam country freely Qing emperor makes reforms Offended conservatives Cixi takes over country
Backed the Society of Harmonious Fists = anti-foreign group AKA Boxers Start attacking Chinese Christian and then anything foreign Boxer Rebellion Put down by a number of European countries
China never wanted foreigners any more than foreigners wanted Chinamen, and on this question I am with the Boxers every time. The Boxer is a patriot. He loves his country better than he does the countries of other people. I wish him success. The Boxer believes in driving us out of his country. I am a Boxer too, for I believe in driving him out of our country." -Mark Twain November 23, 1900-
Overthrow of Qing Dynasty Boxers failed to get foreigners out but did unify young Chinese Goumingdang = Chinese National Party Sun Yixian Want constitution & industrialization = protection from imperialist powers Goal of Goumingdang = China would be a modern nation Qing ruler makes changes to stay in power 1911 revolts Yuan Shikai head of Imperial army responded with negotiated lead to fall of Qing Dynasty
Chinese Republic Pu-yi abdicated throne (6 years old) New Government based on Three Principles of the People 1. the people's government 2. the people's rights 3. the people's livelihood Problems for republic 1. assassinations and Yixian in Japan 2. Yuan Shikia set up a dynasty for himself 3. warlords took land for themselves and ruled it as they saw fit Nationalist looked for help USSR only country to offer any help build a modern army for Nationalist
National party split Yixian dies Chiang Kaishek takes over Leads Northern Expedition against warlords After victory party splits Left wing (Communist and Socialist) put more power into the hands of poor and workers Right wing (Conservatives) give nothing to the poor and not give up land Kaishek became the leader of this wing
Chiang kicked out all soviet advisors in 1927 Killed several Chinese communist Set up his government in Nanjing set up a one party dictatorship economy struggled did make some improvements roads/railroads banking education Problem Did not do anything about unfair treatment of workers or the poor = Majority of People in China
Growth of Communism in China 1921 founded the Chinese Communist Party Based on ideas of Marx and Lenin Free China from foreign control and economic backwardness Worked with the Nationalist to defeat warlords 1927 Communist became threat to nationalist = Chiang killed them 1930's he tries to annihilate all communist in China
The LONG MARCH Those communist not killed fled and set up own government Nationalist attack Force Communist to flee ,000 Communist run away from the Nationalist Cross 18 mountain ranges, 24 rivers, 6,000 miles being attacked most of it by troops and airplanes The 8000 that survived set up headquarters in northern mountains Lead by Mao Zedong
Mao Zedong Practice land and tax reforms Meet with peasant and heard complaints Explained China's problems to the peasants Many peasants joined the Red Army The Japanese were becoming an real threat Chiang still went after the Communist "Chinese do not kill Chinese" More and more people joined the communist
Imperialist Japan Modernized under Meiji Westernized Expand Why? 1. Raw Materials 2. Show off to west Looked to Korea after Sino-Japanese War Then turned to Manchuria Controlled by Russia 1902 Japan and England sign treaty War is coming
Russo Japanese War 1904 Russians navy defeated at Port Arthur in Manchuria No Declaration of War Moved on Korea pushed Russians back through Manchuria 1905 defeated Russian navy Japan heavy losses Asked US to mediate Teddy Roosevelt ended war with the Treaty of Portsmouth Japan given rights over Korea and Manchuria 1910 Annexed Korea = No imperial power said a word
50 years from Farming to Modern Nation Problems 1. Population 2. Economic 3. Social Tensions 1. Population better standard of living better health care more people = need more stuff people left Japan Korea, Taiwan and Hawaii US prohibited Japanese immigrants but allowed Europeans Upset Japan
2. Economic need raw materials import export goods made in Japan Other countries said Japan had unfair advantage? Labor cheap = other countries not compete vs. cheap labor
3. Social Tensions very traditional until 1920's (STABLE) new ideas from west Dancing, Jazz and Baseball Strikes farmers demands Democracy and communism in government Lead to questions economy turn away from farming to business Great Depression people start to equate Great Depression with change see modern bad tradition good
Emperor Meiji family modern life Yokohama and Nagasaki were so much alive in importing stuff -- including architectural styles. Gaslight changed a lot more of life than you would imagine.
Role of the Military in Japan Government has trouble meeting needs of people Opposition to west grows (not treated fairly) Military sees chance to grow in power Military role in government minister of War and Navy appointed by Military Lesson of WWI = entire country to win war military influence more and more of life
militarism like fascism = total control of lives In eyes of military west never see Japan as equal "Purity of Japanese Culture" = National values Monroe Doctrine like in Asia = Look at Manchuria