Measuring Mass and Weight Using a Triple Beam Balance
Measuring Mass and Weight 1. What does mass measure? The amount of matter or ‘stuff’ inside of an object. Ping Pong Ball Golf Ball
Measuring Mass and Weight 2. What is the metric (SI) unit for mass? mg, g, kg
Measuring Mass and Weight 3. What instrument is used to find mass? Triple Beam Balance
Measuring Mass and Weight 4. What does weight measure ? the amount of gravitational pull on an object. ***Changes with location!!! ***
Measuring Mass and Weight 5. What is the metric (SI) unit for weight? Since weight is a force, we use Newtons.
Measuring Mass and Weight 6. What instrument is used to find weight? Spring Scale
Measuring Mass and Weight 7. Are mass and weight the same thing? NO!!! Mass is constant and weight changes with location. You would be made of the same amount of ‘stuff’ on the moon as on Earth so your mass is the same. Whereas, there is less gravitational pull on the moon so you would weigh less.
Measuring Mass and Weight 8. What are the parts of a triple beam balance?
Measuring Mass and Weight 9. How do you use a triple beam balance?
Measuring Mass and Weight 10. How would you record this mass? 100 g Rider- 0 g 10 g Rider- 70 g 1 g Rider- + 9.4 g 79.4 g