ECE 477 Design Review Group 3 Spring 2005 “VoIP Connect” Ankur TrushalAshish Dushyant
Outline Project overviewProject overview Project-specific success criteriaProject-specific success criteria Block diagramBlock diagram Component selection rationaleComponent selection rationale Packaging designPackaging design Schematic and theory of operationSchematic and theory of operation Preliminary PCB layoutPreliminary PCB layout Software design/development statusSoftware design/development status Project completion timelineProject completion timeline Questions / discussionQuestions / discussion
Project Overview “VoIP Connect” is a Voice over IP Phone system“VoIP Connect” is a Voice over IP Phone system Keypad to dial to an IP addressKeypad to dial to an IP address Make calls over the InternetMake calls over the Internet –Analog Voice Signal Digitized –Sent over the net –Digital Signal converted to Analog Voice at receiver end Call status shown on LCDCall status shown on LCD
Project-Specific Success Criteria An ability to punch in IP address with a num padAn ability to punch in IP address with a num pad An ability to show the status of a call through an LCD displayAn ability to show the status of a call through an LCD display An ability to convert analog voice to digital and convert back the digital voice to analogAn ability to convert analog voice to digital and convert back the digital voice to analog An ability to recognize an incoming call from another IP addressAn ability to recognize an incoming call from another IP address An ability to make full duplex conversation using the device createdAn ability to make full duplex conversation using the device created
Block Diagram HANDSET Connected to… _ _ _. _ _ _. _ _ _. _ _ _ 87 C6 9 0 MICROCONTROLLER Keypad Encoder RJ-11 Jack CODEC RJ-45 Jack
Component Selection Rationale Microprocessor: Freescale MC9S12NE64 Ethernet Module.Ethernet Module. Sufficient memory and I/O pins.Sufficient memory and I/O pins. Development environment is fairly reliable and easy for us to develop and debug on.Development environment is fairly reliable and easy for us to develop and debug on.
Component Selection Rationale CODEC: Winbond W Simple ImplementationSimple Implementation Pre-amplifiersPre-amplifiers Works at 3.3V which is identical to that of microcontrollerWorks at 3.3V which is identical to that of microcontroller
Component Selection Rationale LCD: Crystalfontz 16X2 LCD HD44780 compatible controllerHD44780 compatible controller Two modes of operationsTwo modes of operations
Component Selection Rationale Keypad: Grayhill 16 keys
Packaging Design Size: 6”x4”x1.5” Weight: 0.5 lbs.
Schematic/Theory of Operation
Preliminary PCB Layout
Power Supply CODEC Keypad LCD Headers RJ-45 Jack
Software Design/Development Status Major Components Major Components –Interfacing with Keypad, LCD –Interface with the CODEC –Interface with the Ethernet port Initialization to connect to the InternetInitialization to connect to the Internet Connect to remote phoneConnect to remote phone Receive an incoming callReceive an incoming call Transfer voice data from one phone to the other and vice-versaTransfer voice data from one phone to the other and vice-versa
Software Design/Development Status NoNoYes Startup/Initialization wait State Outgoing CallIncoming Call Key pressedIncoming call detected Connect Data Transfer End Call
Project Completion Timeline March 10, 2005March 10, 2005 –Complete PCB Layout –Complete the Software for interfacing LCD and Keypad –Test LCD and Keypad Interfacing March 24, 2005March 24, 2005 –Populate the PCB April 1, 2005April 1, 2005 –Complete Software for Interfacing CODEC and test –Start Software for communication through Ethernet port –Complete PCB April 8, 2005April 8, 2005 –Complete Software for communication through Ethernet port and test –Start Testing the entire Project April 15, 2005April 15, 2005 –Testing complete –Start Documentation April 24, 2005April 24, 2005 –Documentation complete –Presentation
Questions / Discussion