New ISD Monitor Training September 8, 2014
Agenda Welcome and Introductions Program Accountability Break ISD Monitor role with MDE Introduction to the CIMS Cycle Lunch How to use CIMS Wrap-up and questions September
Program Accountability September
ED Rules System of Evaluation, Eligibility, and IEP Development Due Process Procedures Qualifications of Teachers and Other Personnel ISD Plans for Special Education September
Rule Promulgation The Process Request for Rulemaking Draft Rules Public Comment Draft Rules Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR) Department Adopts Rules September
System of Initial Evaluation Written Request for an Evaluation Evaluation Determine Eligibility and Needs If Necessary, Request Consent for Initial Provision of Special Education Programs and Services Develop IEP or Services Plan Provide Notice of Provision of FAPE Initiation of Services Provide Notice If Necessary, Request Consent for an Evaluation September
Authority of Documents September
Authority of Documents Statute/Law Regulation Preamble Policy Letters Policy Memos Policy Guidance September
Authority of Documents Statute/Law/Act Executive Orders Administrative Rules State Board of Education Policy Standards Procedures Guidelines Guidance Memos September
Authority vs. Information AuthorityInformation LawPreamble RegulationLetters Executive OrderMemos Administrative RuleGuidance State Board of Education Policy Procedures Guidelines Standards September
Regulatory Agency Regulatory Agencies need a level of Authority: Law Regulation Executive Order Administrative Rule State Board of Education Policy Guidelines Standards September
Decision Making Process A re there federal documents that address the issue? Are there existing state documents that address the issue? Is there a significant body of data that justifies the production of this document? What level of authority is necessary to address the issue? No document is created to address this issue. Refer to current documentation. No document is created to address this issue. Refer to current documentation. No Yes Complete the appropriate process Yes September
MI-SER September
Additional Questions? Please contact the Michigan Special Education Information Line at: September
Break September
ISD Monitor Role with MDE September
The ISD Monitor Role with MDE The ISD Monitor has specific responsibilities to fulfil on behalf of MDE There are three areas of responsibility –Accountability –Monitoring –Data Collection September
The ISD Monitor Role with MDE Accountability: –Attend trainings offered by MDE-OSE –Inform OSE when a local receives a due process complaint –Assist locals in complying with an Administrative Law Judge decision and order –Coordinate with OSE staff in the submission of Waivers Deviations ISD Plans –Submit the ISD Plan to the OSE for approval September
The ISD Monitor Role with MDE Accountability (cont.) –Coordinate with Human Resources regarding credentialing of special education staff –Process special education personnel approval requests –Provide assistance with approval requests to locals –Assist persons who wish to file a complaint September
The ISD Monitor Role with MDE Accountability (cont.) –Collaborate with the OSE Case Manager to: Conduct complaint investigations Complete a State Complaint final report Monitor the status of state complaints Assist locals in completion of corrective actions and submission of proof of compliance September
The ISD Monitor Role with MDE Monitoring: –Participate in Community of Practice Calls with OSE –Ensure compliance with MARSE and IDEA 2004 Tracking required activities in the Continuous Improvement and Monitoring System (CIMS) Participate in focused and general supervision monitoring activities Conduct data verification and validation activities Review, analyze and use ISD and/or local data that has been submitted and certified by the local to the state Access and support personnel use of Michigan School Data special education reports September
The ISD Monitor Role with MDE Data Component: –Participate in data learning opportunities related to special education child count and other mandatory special education data collection, verification, and reporting –Ensure timeliness, accuracy and completeness of the annual special education data submitted in the MSDS data collection –Support timely, accurate collection and analysis of State Performance Plan indicator data to assist local with compliance/improvement activities September
CIMS-Continuous Improvement Monitoring System September
The CIMS Cycle September
The CIMS Cycle Each local that serves students with IEPs’ must collect and submit data related to the priority areas determined by OSEP and MDE-OSE. The data is used to make decisions related to data validation activities, focused monitoring activities and results transmittals. This data is reflected in the State Performance Plan (SPP) and Annual Performance Report (APR). State Performance Targets September
The CIMS Cycle Corrective Action Plans - CAPs –Data CAPs Result from MSDS submissions or Data collection activities –Focused Monitoring (FM) CAPs Result from a focused monitoring visit –FM CAPs Correct Systemic noncompliance Prong 2 –Student Level Corrective Action Plan (SLCAP) Prong 1 Individual student noncompliance September MUST be corrected within 30 days of issuance of Preliminary Summary
The CIMS Cycle There are currently three Workbook cycles for Part B All Workbooks and Reports must be acknowledged within 30 days of release by the CIMS Coordinators –August 15 (acknowledged by Sept. 15) Complete MSDS validation activities B-13 CAPs Findings from Spring FM (Focused Monitoring activities) –B-GSM and B-5 FM CAPs September
The CIMS Cycle Three Workbook cycles for Part B(cont.) –December 15 (acknowledged by Jan 15) B-11 CAPs B-12 CAPs B-TVR CAPs B-Timely Findings from Fall FM activities: –B-9, B-10, B-SD-Id, B-SD-IdB-9, B-SD-Id-B10, B-SD-EE, B-GSM, SD-Disc September
The CIMS Cycle Three Workbook cycles for Part B(cont.) –April 15 (acknowledged by May 15) Complete IEP Implementation activities (more info coming soon) B-3 CAPs (coming soon!) Findings from Winter FM activities including: –FM CAPs B-4A, B-4B, B-4AB, GSM September
The CIMS Cycle It is the ISD monitor’s role to: –Support the locals within their jurisdiction to develop Corrective Action Plans or CAPs that address the specific area of noncompliance. –Monitor the local’s activities within the Workbooks to ensure timely completion of all required activities. There are ISD monitor only activities that must be completed within the Workbooks –MSDS Data Collection and Validation (Fall) –IEP Implementation (Spring) September
Lunch September
How to Use CIMS CIMS demonstration and walk through with Lynne Clark and Sarah Greer, PSC September
Content Overview Task List & CIMS Due Dates Tabs & Tasks –Reports –Compliance (Data CAP Verification) –Data (MSDS & SLCAPs) –Focused Monitoring –Search Tab Training Website September
Task List & CIMS Due Dates How do ISD monitors know what to do and when to do it? September
The Task List Lives on the Home Page September
Click “Open Tasks” on the Home Page Your Tasks will be expanded for viewing Tasks only include work that require action –MSDS Validation –SLCAP Verification –FM Visits –CAP Verification & Closeout Requests September How it Works
View Your Tasks September
Know What to Do with Your Tasks September
See When Tasks are Overdue September
Be Aware of Upcoming Due Dates September Go to the CIMS Website: Download: –CIMS Workbook Due Dates –CIMS ISD Monitor Timeline –Monitoring and TA Calendar
September Download Important Documents
CIMS Workbook Due Dates September
CIMS ISD Monitor Timeline September
Monitoring & TA Calendar September
Tabs September How do I know what’s going on in my locals?
View Rights As an ISD monitor, you are able to view what’s going on in all of your locals The Tabs in CIMS are another great tool to see what’s going on in your locals now September
What can you find? Which locals have/have not acknowledged reports? Which locals have a Corrective Action Plan (CAP)? What activities are open? And more! September
Tab Overview September
Reports Tab Key Question: Which locals have/have not acknowledged reports? September
1. Under the Reports tab, select Report Type September
2. Select status September
3. Click Search September
4. View Results September
4. View Results (cont.) September
Compliance Tab Key Question: Which locals have a CAP? September
Data CAP Verification CAP Verification Activity found inside the Data CAP (B-11, B-12, & B-TVR) under the Compliance Tab Data reports are now loaded for each of these CAPs on the CAP Verification page September
Data CAP Verification Reminders Locals submit December 2013 CAPs by 9/16 ISD monitors complete CAP Verification for B-11, B-12, and B-TVR CAPs ISD monitors complete and submit CAP Verification and Closeout to MDE by 11/1 September
B-11, B-12, and B-TVR Four sections: –CAP activities –New data submission –Student record review –Verification notes Note: This process is different than B-13 and no additional student names are provided in CIMS September
B-11, B-12, and B-TVR – CAP Activity Verification Key Question: Were all CAP activities completed? –Remember, locals are required to list all CAP activities (and what evidence will be available to confirm it was completed) in their CAP –Refer back to the CAP and comment on each activity September
B-11, B-12, and B-TVR – New Data Submission Key Question: Were data verified through a new data submission? For some CAPs, the state is able to verify compliance by reviewing data submitted through ongoing data collection activities Review the report and select a response: September AnswerNext Step Yes, data submission was compliant Save and change the status to Closeout Request Submitted to MDE No or N/A, data submission was noncompliant or not available Review student records and complete the next section of the form
B-11, B-12, and B-TVR – New Data Submission (cont.) September
B-11, B-12, and B-TVR – Student Record Reviews Key Question: Are the data now at 100% compliance? For some CAPs, student records must be reviewed to verify compliance because new data were either not available or not compliant These reviews will be documented through the Student Record Review fields The following fields are required: –Verification date –Student name –UIC –Record compliant? September
September B-11, B-12, and B-TVR – Student Record Reviews (cont.) If non-compliance is found, ISD monitors must go back and verify correction.
September B-11, B-12, and B-TVR – Student Record Reviews (cont.) Please pull 8 student records (if available) Enter student data If all records are compliant Change status to submit to MDE If any records are noncompliant: –The local can retrain/provide targeted training –Following the training, the ISD monitor must return to the local to verify correction by pulling additional records that have been completed subsequent to completion of the additional training If noncompliance persists, the CAP can not be closed
Data Tab September Key Question: What data tasks are available? Contains data activities like: –B-MSDS –SLCAPs
MSDS Validation Checklist Access the student list through the MSDS Validation Worksheet Review student records Complete the MSDS Validation Record in CIMS Submit the MSDS Validation Record September
September Access the Student List
Log into CIMS September
Click Data Tab September
Select Data Type September
Click Search September
Click Link in Name Column September
Click MSDS Validation Worksheet September
Create Worksheet with the Student List September
September Review Student Records
Review Student Records at Local Student records must be reviewed at the local Before going to the local, arrange with the CIMS Coordinator or special education contact to have the necessary student records ready for review Prior to your visit, print copies of the MSDS Validation Record (checklist) from the CIMS training site (under the Data tab) September
Checklist Guidance September QUESTION MDE GUIDANCE Does the information in CIMS match the student’s IEP? Visit the local to review the student’s IEP (that was in effect on February 12, 2014) to determine if the demographic information listed in CIMS matches the student’s IEP. If the information in CIMS (which came from MSDS) matches, select yes. If it does not match, select no. MSDS Validation of this student cannot be completed for the following reasons: If a student is no longer enrolled in the local, check the appropriate reason, save the record, and move onto the next student record.
September Complete the MSDS Validation Record in CIMS
Access the MSDS Validation Menu Log into CIMS Access the MSDS Validation Menu by clicking on the Data Tab and selecting the local whose records you are reviewing September
Click MSDS Validation Record September
Review Checklist September
Opt Out OR Answer Question September Complete only if student record is not available.
September Opt Out OR Answer Question (cont.) Remember to save each checklist!
September Switch to Another Checklist by Selecting a Student and Clicking Go
September Submit the MSDS Validation Records
Click Link and Apply Status September
More Than One Local? Some ISD monitors must review records from more than one local These reviews are separate tasks within CIMS –Different links when you search under the Data tab or view your Task List –Different Menu Page –Different Student Lists –Note: You must submit each task. (If you have two locals to visit, you will submit twice.) September
Questions? Content Questions? –Review the How to Complete MSDS Validation for ISD Monitors (under the Data tab on the CIMS training site) –Call an OSE staffer Technical Questions? –Contact the CIMS Help Desk –(877) September
Focused Monitoring Tab Key Question: Which locals are participating in an FM activity? September
Search Tab Key Question: Which locals have/have not acknowledged reports? September
1. What are you searching for? September
2. Search Types September Hold the Ctrl key to select more than one item.
September Click Search, and results return at the bottom of the screen.
District History September Leave everything blank and click Search.
Export Results September Tip: This feature is available under every tab!
Sort Results September Tip: This feature is available under every tab!
Need Help? September
Notes re: Search Tab Search tab allows users to perform a system-wide search Search tab results include: –Current items (available under the other tabs too!) –Historical items (no longer available under the tabs because these tasks have been completed and closed) Remember … Locals will only see results returned for their local district. ISD Monitors will see results for the full ISD. –Want to sort by a district? Type the district name in the Organization field. September
Training Site September Where can I learn more tips and tricks?
Bookmark September
Top Downloads September
CIMS Overview and Resource Library September
Sample Compliance/Results Page September
FM Tab September
Workbook Tab and How-to Docs! September
Wrap-Up Questions and Reminders September
OSE Contact Information CIMS Website CIMS Help Desk (877) Office of Special Education Monitoring and Technical Assistance Team: Jeanne Anderson-Tippett, Coordinator, Kathleen Hoehne, Consultant, Shawan Dortch, Consultant, Charles Thomas, Consultant, Sharon Fink, Analyst, September