History 1302 U.S. History from 1877 Central Texas College Fort Knox, Kentucky Bruce A. McKain
Class Information Meeting Time and Place – Room 208 Army Ed Center 5:00-10:00 p.m. Tuesdays. Text – The American Nation: A History of the United States (2012), 14 th edition. Instructor – Bruce McKain (cell)
Course Requirements Be in Class and participate. Weekly Quizzes (25% of the course grade) Final (25% of course grade) Student Research Paper (15% OF COURSE GRADE) and Analytical Book Review (10% of course grade) Class Participation (25% of course grade)
Grade Scale A 80-89B 70-79C 60-69D 59 and below F Your effort to earn a failing grade will be far greater than the effort it takes to earn an A or B.
Course Content
President Andrew Johnson Troubles implementing Lincoln’s 10% Plan. Conflicts with Congress. Impeached for violating Tenure of Office Act. Served only a single term in Whitehouse
President U.S. Grant Administration troubled by Graft. Served two terms in office. An honest man who did not understand that everyone is not always honest
George A. Custer 25 June 1876 Little Bighorn Creek Custer was a ONE- DELTA-TEN-TANGO
Why was Custer an IDIOT? He turned down additional troops from the 9 th Cav. “We don’t need no Brunettes”
Why was Custer and IDIOT? cont. Custer was offered a Gatling Gun Battery. He was afraid they would slow him down.
He discounted his enemy
And How!
Oh Boy and How!
Why was Custer an IDIOT? Cont. He split his command and sent Major Marcus Reno with a force to keep the Indians from getting away. Do you really think they were going anywhere?
And Finally... Custer had his troopers pack their sabers away in the baggage train so that the rattling would not warn the Indians of their approach.
Buffalo Soldiers 186,000 served in the Civil War. Four Regiments were kept on rolls after the end of the war – 9 th and 10 th Cav., 24th and 25 th Infantry.
Buffalo Soldiers cont. White Officers and Colored NCOs 19 MOH during Indian Wars 14 MOH during Spanish American War Segregation persisted until President Truman issued an Executive Order in 1948.
Buffalo Soldiers cont. Robert G. Shaw – 54 th Mass. Henry O. Flipper – 1 st African- American graduate of MAWP
Stolen Election of 1876 Samuel Tilden v. R.B. Hayes. Tilden win popular vote Electoral College – Tilden 185 – Hayes 166 – 20 votes in dispute – It takes 186 to win – Special commission votes to give all 20 votes to Hayes.