1 famine Drastic shortage of food that results in severe starvation and hunger.
2 ethics Standards or rules that guide human behavior.
3 ethnic group Group of people sharing a common language, religion, history, and cultural heritage.
4 ethnic cleansing Term used to describe the forcible removal or murder of Muslims from former Yugoslav provinces of Bosnia & Herzegovina by the Serbian majority during the years
5 Estates-General Legislative assembly of France composed of clergy, nobles, and commoners during the Old Regime.
6 fossil fuels Fuel such as oil, coal, wood, and natural gas.
7 Five Pillars of Wisdom (Islam) Basic beliefs of Islam that include: one God (Allah), praying 5 times a day, fasting during the month of Ramadan, making a pilgrimage to Mecca and giving alms to the poor.
8 Five Year Plan Series of economic goals started by Joseph Stalin in Russia (1927) to build up industry & improve farm production.
9 Euro or Eurodollar Uniform currency (money) introduced in Europe in 1999.
10 fascism Political philosophy that puts the nation over the individual. A dictator has complete control, suppresses all opposition, and has no regard for democracy. – Mussolini (Italy) in the 1920’s and 1930’s.
11 enlightened despot Absolute ruler who bases decisions on the ideas of the Enlightenment; uses absolute power to begin social changes. Image: Peter the Great of Russia
12 feudalism political, economic, and social system in Europe & Japan during the 1100’s in which land is controlled by the local lord, who owed allegiance to a higher lord or monarch. The lord allowed serfs to work the land in exchange for protection.
13 expansionism Policy of increasing a nation’s territory at the expense of another nation.
14 Fertile Crescent Large arc of land in the Middle East between the Tigris & Euphrates Rivers (modern-day Iraq), mostly desert or semi-arid (dry) land, called the “Cradle of Civilization”.
15 factory system System that brought workers & machines together to produce goods in large quantities; it began in the British textile (fabric) industry during the Industrial Revolution.
16 extraterritoriality Special right of foreign citizens to be tried for a crime by the laws and courts of their own nation; this applied to Westerners in China during the 19 th and 20 th centuries.
17 exploitation Term used to describe how the mother countries took advantage of their colonies to insure that their own economies grew. (also – mercantilism). Early mercantilist writers embraced bullionism, the belief that quantities of gold and silver were the measure of a nation's wealth. Later mercantilists developed a different view bullionism
18 extended family Family made up of grandparents, parents, children, aunts, uncles, and cousins whose members may live in the same household or area; this type exists mainly in a traditional society. *** Opposite – is a “nuclear family”.
19 ethnocentrism Prejudicial belief that one’s culture or standards are superior to those of other societies.
20 The Enlightenment Period known as the Age of Reason in 18 th Century Europe. Enlightenment thinkers believed that one could use reason to understand the universe; they rejected traditional ideas based on authority.