Inclusive Business Impact Assessment Why Harmonization and How? 2 nd Asia Inclusive Business Forum Feb 2016, ADB headquarters, Manila For inquiries: Dr. Armin Bauer, Principal Economist, coordinator of ADB’s Inclusive Business Initiative, Asian Development Bank, Tel:
What we will discuss 1. Impact assessment is as good as your definition on IB 2. Impact assessment should inform for project design; it is good for self rating 3. Ex-ante impact assessment is easy and cheap 4. The more complicated tool 5. How do others measure Impact? 6. ADB’s proposal to measure impact The 5 steps 7. IB+SE accreditation is necessary if we want any support program from government 8. Partner and Harmonize 2
What is Inclusive Business ? Inclusive Businesses are Commercially viable private companies Whose core business Is to provide in scale Systemic and innovative solutions To the relevant problems of the poor and low income people 3 impact
Why impact assessment ex ante Its not about measuring rate of returns or size of profit General impact investing (environmental or other impact) Reporting for “branding” It is about using impact assessment for better project design that is It has to be ex-ante Focus on contribution rather than attribution Understanding the impact chains We favor assessment over self-reporting Quantifying before and after / with and without solutions The tool has to be simple and affordable; and easy to report on 4
What are the key questions” Relevant for the poor ? Solution or just a little contribution? Reach Depth Systemic Change What are the innovations? 5
Monitoring impact investments - what the others do Global Impact Investors’ Network (GIIN): developed the Impact Reporting and Investment Rating (IRIS) and a Global Impact Investing Rating Scheme (GIIRS) IRIS: Set of indicators companies or funds can chose from for self reporting Common langue for reporting social and environmental impact, Not context specific GIIRS Social and environmental impact Weighting and rating (1-5 stars) Can we compare? Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE)’s core set of metric: Revenue, employees, wages, additional finance mobilized, greenhouse gas emissions avoided IADB: number of beneficiaries, cost per beneficiary, innovation factor, role of BoP, scalability, replicability KfW/DEG: impact rating system: combination of social, financial and economic returns IFC’s Development Outcome Tracking System (DOTS): focus on growth and jobs; financial performance, environment-social=governance standard, private sector development 6
ADB Impact Assessment Tool - 5 Steps A tool for a fund manager to assess individual possible deals, not for portfolio screening 5 steps Eligibility gate: financial soundness, good business case, social inclusiveness Routes to Impact (smell test): how does the company achieve the combination of financial and social objectives: unmet development needs, proposed inputs, planned outputs, anticipated outcomes, anticipated impact, alignment of social and financial objectives investment decision 3. Scoring: social impact and inclusiveness; direct beneficiaries and poverty ratio, distribution benefits, gender, percentage change, systemic impact (innovation and scalability), distribution and use of company profits, relevance and critical need for the poor, internalization of inclusiveness in the company’s business culture 4. Setting Targets 5. Assessing the Fund Manager’s performance 7
Company Self Rating Tool 8
Accreditation 9
Harmonization Why? How? 10
Further information 11
ADB Impact Assessment Tool - 5 Steps Eligibility gate: financial soundness, good business case, social inclusiveness 12
ADB Impact Assessment Tool - scoring 1. Eligibility gate: financial soundness, good business case, social inclusiveness 2. Routes to Impact (smell test): how does the company achieve the combination of financial and social objectives: unmet development needs, proposed inputs, planned outputs, anticipated outcomes, anticipated impact, alignment of social and financial objectives investment decision 3. Scoring 4. Setting Targets 5. Assessing the Fund Manager’s performance 13
ADB Impact Assessment Tool - scoring 1. Eligibility gate: financial soundness, good business case, social inclusiveness 2. Routes to Impact (smell test): 3. Scoring (1-10, or high-medium-low; weights depending on ADB strategic priority): social impact and inclusiveness; direct beneficiaries and poverty ratio, distribution benefits, gender, percentage change, systemic impact (innovation and scalability), distribution and use of company profits, relevance and critical need for the poor, internalization of inclusiveness in the company’s business culture Good business case conditions: alignment of financial and social objectives, value for money (cost per beneficiary), management of negative social, environmental, governance impact, proven quality of financial performance, quality of strategy 4. Setting Targets 5. Assessing the Fund Manager’s performance 16
ADB Impact Assessment Tool – setting targets 1. Eligibility gate: financial soundness, good business case, social inclusiveness 2. Routes to Impact (smell test): 3. Scoring 4. Setting Targets for systemic change on poverty reduction and inclusiveness Fund manager will set targets for each project, in consultation with company and ADB Along the routes of impact Direct and indirect Data point should be referenced to the IRIS set of indicators 5. Assessing the Fund Manager’s performance 18
ADB Impact Assessment Tool – assessing fund manager’s performance 1. Eligibility gate: financial soundness, good business case, social inclusiveness 2. Routes to Impact (smell test): 3. Scoring 4. Setting Targets for systemic change on poverty reduction and inclusiveness 5. Assessing the Fund Manager’s performance (impact coefficient) Principles incentives to select business ventures with significant pro-poor and inclusive business impact Maximize not only commercial returns Nothing without social impact Quantitative and qualitative matrix to determine the impact coefficient (UBS): Impact coefficient Investment policy target Investment target on Pro poor reach Achievement of specific targets (incl. innovation of IB business models promoted) Quality of reporting annual impact assessment (Aureos Health Fund) or carry (15%+5%+5%) or combination 20
ADB Impact Assessment Tool – assessing fund manager’s performance 1. 21
ADB Impact Assessment Tool - Reporting For the investment committee Initial screening Investment approval Portfolio management and monitoring Reporting to ADB / development partners Core metrics: number of beneficiaries, route to impact, revenue and profit generated, additional capital mobilized, Company specific metrics: output and outcome indicators Additional qualitative indicators, e.g.: empowerment of the poor (organizing in cooperatives, involvement in company’s decisions), engagement of NGOs, change sin government systems 22
ADB Impact Assessment Tool – In sum A rating instrument 23
ADB Impact Assessment Tool – in sum 1. 24