Building a Strategic, Standards- Based Technology Plan Ensuring the Digital Advantage
Stage 1--Foundational Beginnings Where do we begin? Who’s involved? What do we believe? Where do we want to go?
Who are the critical stakeholders? Administration Faculty Staff (including IT) Students
What are our core beliefs? Examine core beliefs and modify to address technology needs
How do we know what we have and where we want to go? Use a needs assessment to identify current services and what additional services are needed. Use a needs assessment to identify current skills of critical participants (must ensure no fear factor). Address the question, Where are we and where do we want to go?
Building Assessment Building Assessment, cont. Type title here Build on current assessment for each category pe title here Existing Technology Students Critical Staff Members Administration Establish goals with tangible assessment Type title here Strategize goals with various assessment approachesType name here Type title here
How do we know if we achieved our goals or not? Create a beginning evaluation of what’s working, what’s not and what additional services are needed. Be sure to include all aspects, including hardware, software, and human resources.
Stage 2--Create a technology vision statement Examine the current vision statement and modify it to address the technology plan.
Linking Standards to Programs
Aligning Standards NETS KSDE NCATE 68 Indicators
Standard Alignment NETS.doc
Stage 3--Technology Plan Technology Plan Text
Technology Plan – Excel Spreadsheet Technology Plan Assessment
Technology Plan Matrix
Goals and Strategies Establish goals that are clear, easy to follow and observable Establish strategies that are realistic in consideration of time and resources (both human and financial)
COE’s Digital Advantage Plan of Action
Programs Technology Plan\Teacher Education ProgramsTechnology Plan\Teacher Education Programs
COE Digital Advantage Plan of Action
Stage 4--Evaluation Both formative and summative, formal and informal
Professional Development
Digital Advantage Plan
Continuing Assessment & Evaluation Assessment What You Have Now Current Assessments Critical Administration Students Faculty Staff Members Existing Technology
PSU’s Library Media Program Matrix
Library Media Matrix
Add a column for various standards
New Matrix with Standard-Based Performance Indicators
Needs Assessment Spreadsheet
Student Instructional Equipment