Is Marketing and Dissemination a Strategic Function for a National Statistical Agency? Consultation Mission on Promoting the activity and Creating a positive image of the Ukrainian State Statistical bodies Kiev, Ukraine 9 – 12 December 2014 Petteri Baer, Marketing Manager, Statistics Finland
Kiev 9-12 December 2014 If yes… WHY is it a strategic function? Please provide three big and three less big reasons How is this strategic function implemented in work of the State Statistical Services of Ukraine (SSSU)? How? What are the obstacles, if any? What are the main indicators of success? 2Petteri Baer
Kiev 9-12 December 2014 Which are the main strategic goal(s) for marketing and dissemination in work of the SSSU? The strategic goal(s)? The challenges in implementing the strategic goal What do you expect to get from this Consultation Mission in achieving the goal(s)? 3Petteri Baer
Kiev 9-12 December 2014 If no… WHY is it not a strategic function? Please provide three big and three less big reasons How should dissemination of statistical information be implemented by the State Statistical Services? How? Are there any obstacles? What are the main indicators of success in this activity? Should there be proactive marketing at all? Are the marketing and dissemination functions eating up resources more badly needed elsewhere? Which are the strategic functions of the SSSU? 4Petteri Baer
Kiev 9-12 December 2014 Which should the goal(s) for dissemination by the SSSU be? Who’s responsibility? Give a short definition of the goal(s) What new (or old) is needed to achieve them? Who in the organization should be responsible for the dissemination activities? What do you expect to get from this Consultation meeting in achieving the goal(s)? 5Petteri Baer
Kiev 9-12 December 2014 Best wishes for your Group Work! Good luck Be creative Report clearly Use sufficiently big letters when writing points
Kiev 9-12 December 2014 Chinese approach In an article, published on the web in 2002 by Mr Jingping Zheng, spokesman of China’s National Bureau of Statistics on China’s official statistics However, user needs are not mentioned even once, also not in the final chapter on new challenges of the Bureau. The same goes for a comprehensive descriptive article on the Statistical System in China, published in the authoritative Journal of Government information, Volume 30, Issue 1, Petteri Baer
Kiev 9-12 December 2014 Japanese approach “With rapid progress being made in information technology, the use of statistical information has greatly expanded and user demands have also increased and diversified. Computerization of the administrative work and the sharing of information within the government [sic! – cursivation pb] have now become essential. To meet such demands, the Statistics Bureau [of Japan] provides statistical information through the Internet and other media. Since January 2004, the Bureau has established the following two statistical systems on the web, with the aim of promoting the diverse use of statistical information and support business activities: [a] The Portal Site of Statistical Data in Japan and [b] The Geographic Information System (GIS) Plaza of Statistics (in Japanese only)” 8Petteri Baer
Kiev 9-12 December 2014 European Central Bank approach “The internal users’ relations are well structured within the ESCB. In the preparatory phase, the main user committees (which all have the same status as the Statistics Committee, STC) are consulted and user demands prioritized. The ECB Governing Council is involved simultaneously as the legislator, paymaster and main user of ECB statistics. External users’ relations are more loosely structured within the ESCB, although Eurostat [sic! – so Eurostat is representing the external user! –pb] has a permanent observer status in the STC…” (November 2006, a text introducing the European System of Central From The “ESCB’s governance structure as applied to ESCB statistics”, Bank’s governance structure as applied to ESCB Statistics, para 9 –pb en.pdf) 9Petteri Baer
Kiev 9-12 December 2014 United Kingdom approach “User needs, interests and capabilities should determine the design and operation of statistical dissemination over the Internet. This necessitates interactive engagement with users and active pursuit of feedback plus better search engines (possibly in co-operation with commercial operators). Users of government statistical websites should not be expected to have a working knowledge of government departments or of ‘who produces what’” (From a Report of the United Kingdom’s Statistics Commission “Data on Demand – Access to Official Statistics, Report No. 34, June 2007, Recommendations, Principle Petteri Baer
Kiev 9-12 December 2014 Croatian approach Current and future users are the reason for and the purpose of the existence and development of the statistics system. Since user demands are of the highest importance for the development of the system, work must be done to meet these needs through the common effort of the users and the producers of official statistics.” (From the Development Strategy of Official Statistics of the Republic of Croatia 2004 – 2012, Zagreb 2003, First goal mentioned in the definition of the Vision of the strategic plan -pb). 11Petteri Baer