Board of Early Education and Care Strategic Planning Update October 14, 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

Board of Early Education and Care Strategic Planning Update October 14, 2008

Purpose of the Strategic Planning Process  To develop a strategic framework for Board and agency priorities to aid decision making and strengthen accountability  Also mandated by statute to develop 5-year strategic plan

Strategic Planning Process  Formed planning sub-committee in February to develop plan  Used inclusive process that involved many stakeholders:  Parent Advisory Team  Advisory Team  EEC Staff Steering Committee  Board held series of retreats over the summer to take stakeholder input and develop strategic framework


The Mission The Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care provides the rich foundation that supports all children in their development as lifelong learners and contributing members of the community, and supports families in their essential work as parents and caregivers.

The Vision Practical Five-Year Vision  The Department and the whole field of early education and care, out of school time and other services to families are highly regarded, publicly recognized and supported, and clearly understood to be a value to the Commonwealth.  The system offers an array of high quality, comprehensive and affordable programs designed to meet the diverse, individual needs of children & families.  The early education and care and out of school time workforce is respected, diverse, professional, qualified, and fairly compensated.  EEC is an effective, responsive, efficient, and resilient system.  We have clear standards for accountability and evidence that those standards are being met.  Families are engaged as partners integral to the healthy development and learning of their children, and they have access to the necessary resources to do so.  All preschool children have access to high quality pre- kindergarten programs that meet family needs.  Children and families experience seamless transitions throughout their early learning and later developmental experiences. Version Two: Prepared June 23, 2008

Strategic Directions 1. Create and implement a system to improve and support quality statewide 2. Increase and promote family support, access and affordability 3. Create a workforce system that maintains worker diversity and provides resources, supports, expectations, and core competencies that lead to the outcomes we want for children 4. Create and implement an external and internal communications strategy that advocates for and conveys the value of early education and care to all stakeholders and the general public 5. Build the internal infrastructure to support achieving the vision

Next Steps  Revise draft version of success indicators and related work  Use strategic framework to guide FY10 budget recommendations in November  Vote on and release full written plan at upcoming Board meeting.  Update and adjust plan annually