Cluster Response Plan Cluster Objectives Activities Indicators - Targets ProjectsCosting
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Basic steps Inter-cluster meeting – briefing on overall SOs ER Cluster meeting Agree on cluster objectives + indicators Develop activities + indicators Circulate to all cluster members, feedback and finalise Present to ICC and HCT for review
Set Cluster Objectives Based on the strategic objectives, agree on a FEW cluster objectives and PRIORITY activities for the timeframe of the plan. Determine the number and categories of people to be reached Formulate objectives in a way that indicates: What should result from the action and who will benefit from it?
Develop Cluster Activities Based on analysis of needs and concerns of affected people Do no harm – Build Back Better … Gender – Age – Diversity Synergies w/other clusters – avoid duplication - multi- sectoral approach Time-criticalResilience building Indicate proportion of women, men, girls, and boys who will benefit
Specify Indicators Specific Measurable Accurate Realistic Timebound
Coordinate Project Planning Agree to cluster division of labour - ensure coverage of needs. Set criteria for selection of projects Design projects according to needs & objectives of the cluster Allow sufficient time for project design Gender/age markerCosting Upload projects on OPS Peer-review and vet projects using criteria Cluster coordinator accepts/rejects projects on OPS.
Exercise In groups Read country description & the strategic objectives of the HRP Develop an ER cluster response plan with objectives and key priority activites and indicators: – 1 hour You must think creatively on how to integrate gender in your plan (not just lip service) You must demonstrate a mechanism for accountability to the affected population Two groups will present their plan – others will be the ICC & HCT and feed back – 10 min per presentation