An Analytical Summary Information compiled by Mrs. Shoulders.


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An Analytical Summary Information compiled by Mrs. Shoulders

Definition An analytic summary is an essay that both summarizes and analyzes a particular aspect of a text, using specific textual evidence to support that analysis. Unlike a traditional summary, which summarizes the text as a general whole, an analytic summary is focused on one aspect of the text that may or may not go across the text in its entirety.An analytic summary is an essay that both summarizes and analyzes a particular aspect of a text, using specific textual evidence to support that analysis. Unlike a traditional summary, which summarizes the text as a general whole, an analytic summary is focused on one aspect of the text that may or may not go across the text in its entirety. Definition given from TNCore website.Definition given from TNCore website.

Sample Please read “The Woman Called Moses” by Walter Oleksy and Meg Mims. In this text, the authors develop several central ideas.Please read “The Woman Called Moses” by Walter Oleksy and Meg Mims. In this text, the authors develop several central ideas. After you have read, determine one central idea from the text and write an essay that both summarizes and analyzes how that central idea is conveyed through particular details. Cite evidence from the text to support your analysis. Follow the conventions of standard written English.After you have read, determine one central idea from the text and write an essay that both summarizes and analyzes how that central idea is conveyed through particular details. Cite evidence from the text to support your analysis. Follow the conventions of standard written English.

Important Features The first sentence should state the writer’s name, the title of the piece and a thesis statement.The first sentence should state the writer’s name, the title of the piece and a thesis statement. Only include major ideas, with examples that are of primary importance.Only include major ideas, with examples that are of primary importance. Your intention should be evidence throughout the piece. Make sure it is part of your thesis statement.Your intention should be evidence throughout the piece. Make sure it is part of your thesis statement. Events should be mentioned in the order that they occur in the text.Events should be mentioned in the order that they occur in the text. Paraphrase mostly but you can use a few quotes as evidence.Paraphrase mostly but you can use a few quotes as evidence. Write in present tense, third person singular.Write in present tense, third person singular. Your paper will be shorter than the original text.Your paper will be shorter than the original text.

Caveats As outlined in the directives, there may be more than one possible central idea. Students are given some latitude in the idea they choose. However, it must be clearly conveyed by details from the text. Selecting a weak, unsupported idea from the text will not lead to a successful response.As outlined in the directives, there may be more than one possible central idea. Students are given some latitude in the idea they choose. However, it must be clearly conveyed by details from the text. Selecting a weak, unsupported idea from the text will not lead to a successful response. Responses that do not address a central idea will be unable to achieve an adequate score in Development or Focus & Organization, as they will not have completed the task directives.Responses that do not address a central idea will be unable to achieve an adequate score in Development or Focus & Organization, as they will not have completed the task directives. Responses that simply summarize the text, without providing an explanation of how the selected details convey or support the chosen central idea, will be unable to achieve an adequate score in Development or Focus & Organization.Responses that simply summarize the text, without providing an explanation of how the selected details convey or support the chosen central idea, will be unable to achieve an adequate score in Development or Focus & Organization. Responses that rely heavily on direct copying of the text will be unable to achieve consistency in Language or Conventions. Only original student writing can adequately show consistent skill.Responses that rely heavily on direct copying of the text will be unable to achieve consistency in Language or Conventions. Only original student writing can adequately show consistent skill.