Wednesday, August 21 Check out text books Reading from last night Political Spectrum Quiz
1.) Ideal Democratic Process Equality in Voting (representative) Effective Participation Enlightened understanding (free speech and free press) Citizen control of the agenda Inclusion (extend rights to all)
2.) Pluralism Policymaking process is open to the participation of ALL groups with shared interests No group dominating
3.) Elitism Theory that an upper-class elite holds the power and makes policy
4.) Hyperpluralism Groups are so strong that gov’t is actually weakened No one gets what they want
5.) Challenges to Democracy Complexity of the Issues Limited Participation in Gov’t Escalating Campaign Costs Diverse Political Interests
6.) Political Ideology/Culture An overall set of values widely shared within a society (below is America’s Political Culture) Liberty (freedoms) Egalitarianism (equality of opportunity) Individualism (ppl can get ahead on their own) Laissez-faire (little gov’t involvement) Populism (ordinary ppl vs. big interests)
7.) Scope of Government What does this mean? Stimulus package
8.) GDP Gross Domestic Product – total value of goods and services produced annually We spend about $3.8 trillion annually
9.) Budget Deficit When spending increases, taxes must grow Spend more than you bring in DEBT!!!
10.) How big should government be?