Creating a Home Environment that Enhance Emergent Literacy By: Akira Goldsmith
Main Statement: The main focus would be to promote different ways to incorporate “Emergent Literacy” into daily activities for children at home.
Project: Problem and Solution Problem: The lack of emergent literacy resources and materials at home. The lack of “Structured Learning” experiences. Solution: My goal would be to encourage parents to fill their homes with materials and activities to assist in the literacy development of the child.
The Importance of Emergent Literacy for Young Children: Build sound and letter awareness Support Emergent Reading Support Emergent Writing
Benefits of Emergent Literacy: “Children who enter formal instruction with the knowledge of letters of the alphabet become better readers than those who enter formal instruction without these skills” (Khurana, 3)
Parents as child’s first teacher: Meaningful family engagement in children’s early learning supports school readiness and later academic success” (NAEYC, 2015). Family Engagement is essential to a child’s educational growth.
Setting up a Home Environment that Enhance Emergent Literacy: Location: Designated Reading Area/s Materials: Books (soft or hard cover, books without words, the Bible, magazines, mini recipe books, newspapers) Material for Emergent Literacy activities (alphabet and number puzzles, notebook, construction paper, pencils, crayons, counting blocks, envelopes, greeting cards) Resources Books for parents
Source Khuran, Sarika, Roa, Prema Emergent Literacy Experiences at Home – A Sample Survey in Mysore City. NAEYC, Learning Activities at Home and in the Community. Colker, Laura Literacy Development Begins at Home, With a Literate Home Environment. at-home.htmhttp:// at-home.htm Scully P., Barbour, C., & Roberts-King, H. (2015). Families, schools, and communities: Building partnerships for educating children (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.
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