Celebrating Using Blogs Teaching a Technology- Enriched Persuasive Essay Writing Unit iLearn Literacy 7.8
Focusing Questions Why is it important to receive feedback on a persuasive essay? How can a blog provide authenticity and meaning to a persuasive essay?
Framing The Session First, let’s review our Writing Process for Nonfiction to place our work in context.Writing Process for Nonfiction Effective persuasive writing, when made public, gets a reaction—be it a written response or direct social action. Blogs can be a very effective tool for getting ideas into the public discourse.
Teaching Increasingly, blogs are used to voice opinions and respond to other writers. Some blogs have impacted political races.
Teaching Edublogs.org Edublogs.org allows teachers to: >post student work >provide space for students to make comments Let’s return to the Healthy Bodies blog and post our model text.Healthy Bodiespost model text
Teaching You can adjust your settings for comments. I will do this now on the the Healthy Bodies blog.Healthy Bodies
Guided Practice Read through the essay just posted on the Healthy Bodies blog, and decide whether you agree or disagree with its position.Healthy Bodies Discuss your views with a partner. Post your comments to the blog.
Work Time
Post your persuasive essay to the blog that you created in earlier sessions. Turn comments on, and post the link to the Healthy Bodies blog.Healthy Bodies View other participants’ essays and comment on them.
What did you learn about blogs in this unit that will be of value to your class? What did you learn about celebrating and the writing process? Share
For more information Office of Instructional Technology