Literary Reference Center
EBSCO’s LRC can complete your library’s collection of online literary resources Your library now owns Gale’s Literature Resource Center (LRC), which consists mainly of Gale-owned content –Full text of author biographies, plot summaries, literary criticism, etc. from various Gale-owned imprints EBSCO’s LRC can add full-text content from the top literary publishers not owned by Gale EBSCO’s Literary Reference Center (LRC)
EBSCO’s LRC can add full-text content from the top literary publishers not owned by Gale All of MagillOnLiterature Plus, including the entire Masterplots series from Salem Press Masterplots (12 volumes) Masterplots II (58 volumes) Cyclopedia of World Authors (5 volumes) Cyclopedia of Literary Characters (5 volumes) Magill’s Literary Annual (32 volumes) Magill’s Guide to Science Fiction & Fantasy Literature (4 volumes) Magill Book Reviews (6,800+) Critical Surveys (35 volumes) Magill’s Choice: Notable Poets (3 volumes) Magill’s Choice: Shakespeare Magill’s Choice: 100 Masters of Mystery & Detective Fiction (2 volumes) World Philosophers and Their Works (3 volumes)
EBSCO’s LRC can add full-text content from the top literary publishers not owned by Gale The entire Bloom Series from Chelsea House, edited by Harold Bloom (completely A&I, new full text added regularly) Bloom’s BioCritiques (38 volumes) Bloom’s Guides (20 volumes) Bloom’s Literary Places (2 volumes) Bloom’s Major Dramatists (24 volumes) Bloom’s Major Literary Characters (15 volumes) Bloom’s Major Novelists (28 volumes) Bloom’s Major Poets (42 volumes) Bloom’s Major Short Story Writers (32 volumes) Bloom’s Modern Critical Interpretations (106 volumes) Bloom’s Modern Critical Views (143 volumes) Bloom’s Notes (33 volumes) Bloom’s Period Studies (9 volumes)
EBSCO’s LRC can add full-text content from the top literary publishers not owned by Gale Hundreds of literary reference works from university presses, societies and for-profit publishers Andrews McMeel Publishing Arte Publico Press Beacham Group LLC Branden Publishing Cambridge University Press Columbia University Press Continuum International Publishing Eakin Press Great Neck Publishing Lerner Publishing Group M.E. Sharpe Inc. Mason Crest Publishers Morgan Reynolds Inc. Oxford University Press Peter Lang Publishing, Inc. Princeton University Press Routledge Ltd. Texas A&M University Press Texas Folklore Society University Press of Florida
EBSCO’s LRC can add full-text content from the top literary publishers not owned by Gale Hundreds of literary reference works from university presses, societies and for-profit publishers Columbia Companion to the 20 th American Short Story Complete Critical Guide to Alexander Pope Continuum Encyclopedia of American Literature Continuum Encyclopedia of British Literature Encyclopedia of Literature & Criticism (Routledge) English Novel in History (3 volumes) From Romanticism to Critical Theory Handbook of African American Literature Literary Encyclopedia, The Literary History of England (2 volumes) Masterworks of Asian Literature New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics Oxford Illustrated History of English Literature Research Guide to Biography & Criticism Routledge Anthology of Poets on Poets Routledge Companion to Russian Literature The Complete Russian Folktale (6 volumes) Who’s Who in Non-Classical Mythology
Features available to your library with the addition of EBSCO’s LRC * Estimate (overlap comparison not yet available for journals) Author Biographies In-Depth3,00013,00016,000 Brief133,000127,000260,000 Total136,000140,000276,000 Plot Summaries, Synopses,4,32912,50016,839 Work Overviews Literary Criticism Essays38,000100,000138,000 Full-Text journals * Citation ToolNOYESYES CategoryGale LRC EBSCO LRC (December 2006) Both LRCs
Comparison of Literary Resources Continued… Full-Text Book Reviews370,000515,000650,000** Full-Text Poems*030,00030,000 Full-Text Short Stories*013,50013,500 Full-Text Classic Books07,5007,500 Author Interviews3202,5002,820 Glossary of Literary TermsNO TimelineYES Category Gale LRC EBSCO LRC (December 2006) YES Detailed YES with Geographic contexts * As a distinct article type, searchable in this database ** Estimated YES Detailed Both LRCs YES with Geographic contexts
Some Key LRC Features Browse “most studied” authors and works –Brings user to pre-selected record –Focuses user on information desired Result lists are segmented by content types –Biographies –Literary Criticism –Plot Summaries –Book Reviews –Author Interviews –Reference Books –Periodicals –Poems –Short Stories Ability to limit by major sources such as Masterplots Key books are highlighted, with a rotating focus on key authors Literary/Historical Timeline for context and perspective
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