Roles and Responsibilities Breakout Session SVRS Conference for Wisconsin County Clerks May 4, 2005 – May 5, 2005
5/4/05 and 5/5/05SVRS Conference for Wisconsin County Clerks2 Roles and Responsibilities ■Our objective for this presentation is to share with you information on roles and responsibilities in SVRS. ■Topics for Discussion: –Define roles for Provider, Relier & Self-provider –High-level overview of processes –Review of SVRS application components –Review tasks assigned to each role –Key changes in responsibilities –Question and Answer
5/4/05 and 5/5/05SVRS Conference for Wisconsin County Clerks3 Roles Defined ■PROVIDERS: those municipalities or counties that will provide data entry and other SVRS related services for themselves and other municipalities. ■RELIERS: those municipalities that will rely on the county or another municipality for SVRS services. ■SELF-PROVIDERS: those municipalities that will use the SVRS for their own registration and elections needs, but will not provide the service for others. –For future reference: ■PR: Provider-Relier Relationship ■SP: Self Provider
5/4/05 and 5/5/05SVRS Conference for Wisconsin County Clerks4 From a high-level, we are reviewing several key business processes which need to be aligned with the new SVRS. Manage Budget Administer Organization Manage Electors/Voters Manage Election Infrastructure/ Tools Manage Election Event Conduct Reporting Register Electors/Voters Produce Voter Registration Cards Update, Delete, and Maintain Voter Registration Records Develop/Distribute Voter Registration Forms Retain Voter Registration Forms Determine Polling Locations Determine Poll Workers Select and Maintain Equipment Determine Jurisdiction Boundaries Determine Partnerships & Provider Register and Qualify Candidates Calculate and Tabulate Results Conduct Election Day Activities Define Contest (Calendar & Offices) Create Ballot Template and Publish Ballots Manage Election Standards Validate Electors/ Voters Create Poll Lists Provide for Absentee Voter/Ballot Canvassing Reports
5/4/05 and 5/5/05SVRS Conference for Wisconsin County Clerks5 As we break these down, we can see that “voting” in Wisconsin has numerous detailed processes. Manage Electors/Voters Register Electors/Voters Produce Voter Registration Cards Update, Delete, and Maintain Voter Registration Records Develop/Distribute Voter Registration Forms Retain Voter Registration Forms Validate Electors/ Voters Processes Voter Registration SP In-Person Voter Registration SP Mail Voter Registration P/R In-Person Voter Registration P/R Mail Voter Registration SEB Mail Election Day Registration (SP and P/R) Voter Registration SP Post Election Voter Registration P/R Post Election Triggers Move from another state Move within state Name change Just turned 18 Unneeded registration (already registered)
5/4/05 and 5/5/05SVRS Conference for Wisconsin County Clerks6 To date, we have tentatively identified 75 processes which need to be examined. ■Some are critical, others are less critical. ■Some needed to be addressed immediately for use during configuration; others can be addressed later as they do not affect the application. 1.Voter Registration – In-Person, including late (P/R) 2.Voter Registration – Mail, including late (P/R) 3.Voter Registration – In-Person, including late (SP) 4.Voter Registration – Mail, including late (SP) 5.Voter Registration – Mail (SEB) 6.Voter Registration – Election Day (P/R) 7.Voter Registration – Election Day (SP) 8.Voter Registration – Presidential (P/R) 9.Voter Registration – Presidential (SP) 10.Voter Registration – Post-Election (P/R) 11.Voter Registration – Post-Election (SP) 12.Manage Pending Applications (P/R) 13.Manage Pending Application (SP) 14.Post Card Verification Process (P/R) 15.Post Card Verification Process (SP) 16.Receive Cancellations from Other States (SEB) 17.Send Cancellations to Other States (SEB) 18.Change Voter Status (P/R) 19.Change Voter Status (SP) 20.Check for/Resolve Duplicate Voters (P/R) 21.Check for/Resolve Duplicate Voters (SP) 22.Check for/Resolve Duplicate Voters (SEB) 23.Notify Voter of jurisdiction changes (P/R) 24.Notify Voter of jurisdiction changes (SP) 25.Notify Voter if polling place location changes (P/R) 26.Notify Voters of jurisdiction changes 27.Update Boundaries/Districts (P/R) 28.Update Boundaries/Districts ((SP) 29.Update Boundaries/Districts (SEB) 30.Manage Street Directory (P/R) 31.Manage Street Directory (SP) 32.Manage Poll Workers (P/R) 33.Manage Poll Workers (SP) 34.Manage Polling Locations (P/R) 35.Manage Polling Locations (SP) 36.Register Special Voting Deputies P/R) 37.Register Special Voting Deputies (SP) 38.Absentee Ballot Request (P/R) 39.Absentee Ballot Request (SP) 40.Absentee Ballot Processing (P/R) 41.Absentee Ballot Processing (SP) 42.Poll List Generation & Distribution (P/R) 43.Poll List Generation & Distribution (SP) 44.Export Ballot Information (P/R) 45.Export Ballot Information (SP) 46.Voter History Updates (P/R) 47.Voter History Updates (SP) 48.Create Election Plan (P/R) 49.Create Election Plan (SP) 50.Create Election Plan (SEB) 51.Create Election Calendar (P/R) 52.Create Election Calendar (SP) 53.Create Election Calendar (SEB) 54.Define Contest (P/R) 55.Define Contest (SP) 56.Define Contest (SEB) 57.Candidate Filing (P/R) 58.Candidate Filing (SP) 59.Candidate Filing (SEB) 60.Reports (Generating, distributing) (P/R) 61.Reports (Generating, distributing) (SP) 62.Reports (Generating, distributing (SEB) 63.Ad Hoc Reporting (P/R) 64.Ad Hoc Reporting (SP) 65.Manage Hard Copy Records (P/R) 66.Manage Hard Copy Records (SP) 67.Manage Hard Copy Records (SEB) 68.Error Correction (P/R) 69.Error Correction (SP) 70.Error Correction (SEB) 71.Fraud Processes (P/R) 72.Fraud Processes (SP) 73.Fraud Processes (SEB) 74.Billing for Provider Services (P/R) 75.Billing for VR Card Services (SEB)
5/4/05 and 5/5/05SVRS Conference for Wisconsin County Clerks7 Let’s talk about the application and what it does ■SVRS Components & Modules
5/4/05 and 5/5/05SVRS Conference for Wisconsin County Clerks8 Voter Registration Roles & Responsibilities Election Activity TaskPartnershipSelf- Providers SEB RelierProvider Voter Registra- tion Receives In-Person and Mail Applications (Mail Only) Approval of Application Data Entry into SVRS Print Reports of Data Entered Verifies Data Entered via Report Maintains Original Applications Communicate Directly with Voter Sends Notices and Letters to Voter Prints and Sends Voter Registration/ Verification Card
5/4/05 and 5/5/05SVRS Conference for Wisconsin County Clerks9 Absentee Ballot Roles & Responsibilities Election Activity TaskPartnershipSelf- Providers SEB RelierProvider Absentee Ballot Receives Application/Request for Absentee Ballot Provides Absentee Ballot to Voter Maintains Log of Voters Requesting Absentee Ballot Enter Request for Absentee Ballot into SVRS Receives Completed Absentee Ballot Envelope Processes and Delivers Absentee Ballot to Polling Location on Election Day Updates Log with Inspectors Comments Enters Final Absentee Ballot Information into SVRS Print Reports of Data Entered Verifies Data Entered Via Report
5/4/05 and 5/5/05SVRS Conference for Wisconsin County Clerks10 Election Management Roles & Responsibilities Election Activity TaskPartnershipSelf- Providers SEB RelierProvider Election Manage- ment Identify Need for an Election (Or county) Set-Up Election in SVRS Notify Clerk that Election was Established Identify Office Types up for Election Create Contest in SVRS Receive Candidate Filings Approve Candidate Filings Enter Candidate Info into SVRS Determine Ballot Placement Enter Ballot Placement Info into SVRS Export Ballot Info from SVRS Print and Distribute Ballots
5/4/05 and 5/5/05SVRS Conference for Wisconsin County Clerks11 Election Management Roles & Responsibilities Election Activity TaskPartnershipSelf- Providers SEB RelierProvider Election Manage- ment Generate and Print Poll Lists Generate and Print Supplemental Poll Lists Distribute Poll Lists to Polling Places Collect Updated Poll Lists After Election Day Send Updated Poll Lists to Providers Enter Voter History (by Bar Code or Manually) into SVRS Verify Totals Entered into SVRS
5/4/05 and 5/5/05SVRS Conference for Wisconsin County Clerks12 Election Management Roles & Responsibilities Election Activity TaskPartnershipSelf- Providers SEB RelierProvider Election Tools Recruit Poll Workers Enter Poll Worker Contact Information into SVRS Monitor Poll Worker Training and Work History Scheduling Poll Workers to Work at Each Election Record Poll Worker Assignments Recruit and Appoint Special Voting Deputies Enter Contact Information for Special Voting deputies into SVRS Enter Equipment Serial Numbers into SVRS Find Polling Locations to Serve Each Ward
5/4/05 and 5/5/05SVRS Conference for Wisconsin County Clerks13 Election Management Roles & Responsibilities Election Activity TaskPartnershipSelf- Providers SEB RelierProvider Election Tools Monitor All Instances of Boundary/District Changes Update Street Directory When Necessary Report Address and Accessibility Information for Each Polling Place in SVRS Perform Routine Testing of Equipment Before Each Election
5/4/05 and 5/5/05SVRS Conference for Wisconsin County Clerks14 Any Questions?