Enhancement of Victim Advocacy May 10, 2016
Why revise the DVOMB Victim Advocacy Standards?
What prompts the DVOMB to revise Standards? Consistent feedback from stakeholders that something isn’t working New research Victim safety and victim rights
Feedback We Received Advocates reported needing more clarification, guidance and direction on their role Some of the previous advocacy standards weren’t clear Reports from many different professionals that some advocates were too minimally trained (15 hours not adequate) Confusion about whether the advocate should be someone working for victim services in the community
Victim Safety Is The Priority Of The Standards This includes protecting victim information Having qualified advocates Reminding the MTT to think about victim issues Victims need to know information that can help keep them safer How do these revisions make things better for victims?
What has changed? -Advocate qualifications -Required consultation and coordination -More detail on confidentiality -Dual roles -Guidance on advocate role -Documentation and record retention
What is your current practice? Just How Different is This?
Treatment Victim Advocate Qualifications 7.03
Advocate Qualifications Was 15 hours of training enough? New Requirements: – Two Levels of qualification – Training and experiential hours – Continuing education – Peer consultation recommended Entry Level Fully Qualified Advocates have time to work toward Fully Qualified level
Entry Level Advocate Training Hours *For new advocates: complete the 30 hours of training prior to starting experiential hours A minimum of 30 initial hours of training in domestic violence to include: victim advocacy, domestic violence dynamics, victimization and safety planning The remaining 30 hours of training required for Fully Qualified Treatment Victim Advocate shall be achieved within the first year Refer to Training Resources Handout
Entry Level Advocate Experiential Hours 70 hours of experience working with domestic violence victims (employment, volunteer work, or internships) The remaining 70 experiential hours required for a Fully Qualified Treatment Victim Advocate shall be achieved within two years.
Entry Level Advocate Peer Consultation: is strongly encouraged The COVA or NOVA basic certification shall be applied for by the end of the second year of working as an entry level treatment victim advocate
Fully Qualified Advocate Basic certification from the COVA Colorado Advocate Certification Program (CACP) advocate-certification-program-CACP.html advocate-certification-program-CACP.html OR National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA) National Advocate Credentialing Program There is a fee to apply
Fully Qualified Advocate Training and Experience COVA requires: 60 training hours, and 140 direct service hours DVOMB requires that the COVA or NOVA electives be focused on some of the following: Confidentiality, safety planning, co-occurrence of domestic violence and child abuse, sexual assault, elder abuse, DVRNA, MTT, DVOMB Standards, domestic violence offender issues, domestic violence offender treatment competencies, risk/lethality assessment, and special victim and offender populations NOVA requires: Completion of 40 hours Introductory Advocacy training; A minimum of 20 hours of Basic Specialty training for each area of specialty; A minimum of 3900 hours (2 years) verified experience
Renewal Renewal of COVA or NOVA certification every 2 years Advocates provide certification to providers Continuing Education: COVA – 32 hours every two years
COVA Process for Certification Training certificates are required within the most recent five (5) years Please keep all certificates from trainings If you do not have documentation of experiential hours or work history, verification can be provided by an employer, supervisor or contractor
COVA Colorado Organization for Victim Assistance Where to apply: Coloradocrimevictims.org Look for the Basic certification (at a minimum) There will be an addendum for DVOMB Treatment Advocates for focused electives Available July (will also be posted on our website)
Required Consultation and Coordination 7.05
Information Sharing Requirements of Treatment Providers (7.05 II.) Provide victim contact information, if available, from the offender intake to the Treatment Victim Advocate as soon as it is available (Offender cannot be forced or used to provide this info) Prior to the offender beginning treatment, Treatment Providers shall provide at a minimum: 1. Victim contact information 2. Victim and offender relationship status, 3. Whether children are involved 4. Offender’s group or individual treatment day and time 5. Confirmation that the release is signed by the offender to contact the victim 6. The offender’s initial level of treatment and risk factors from the DVRNA 7. Status of protection order (civil order, criminal order) 8. Police report on the current offense
Information Sharing Requirements of Treatment Providers (7.05 II.) In addition to the MTT communication and decision requirements; the Treatment Provider is responsible for providing information to the Treatment Victim Advocate throughout treatment (at a minimum): 1. Offender Absences 2. Changes in Offender Risk 3. Violations of offender contract
Guidelines for Treatment Victim Advocates Regarding Communication and Consultation with the Provider (7.05 III.) Regardless of victim involvement, advocates have a responsibility to communicate with the Provider Information that the victim does not want communicated to provider is kept confidential. (exceptions) If the victim gives permission to share info with the provider… If the victim does not want information shared…
Transition to New Advocate Provider and outgoing advocate ensure coordination of victim advocacy services between the outgoing advocate and the new advocate
Required Provider Consultation/Coordination Obtain the input of the Treatment Victim Advocate for MTT meetings, and scheduling of MTT meetings. The purpose is to obtain the Treatment Victim Advocate’s expertise and perspective, not necessarily specific victim information. Keep Treatment Victim Advocates informed regarding pertinent issues during treatment.
Explain Confidentiality (Reference 7.07) Advocates explain the benefits and limitations of confidentiality to the victims they assist (reference 7.04 I.C.1.) Advocates have a responsibility to take steps to protect victims’ privacy and safety Informed consent to a release of information
Exceptions to victim confidentiality 7.07 Reporting of suspected abuse or neglect of children and at risk elders Advocates have a responsibility to report whether they are mandated reporters or not
Dual Roles Treatment Victim Advocates shall not have a dual role with her/his Treatment Provider, the offender or the victim.
Dual Roles 7.03 VIII. How is that defined? Cannot be in another relationship with the Provider (such as a spouse or relative) Cannot also be working in other therapeutic or case management capacities with the domestic violence offenders or victims within the same treatment agency The Treatment Victim Advocate shall not also be the therapist for the victim
Guidance to Advocates on their Role All contact with victims is intended to be victim driven and based in empowerment theory
Initial Contact with Victims 7.04 Timing is determined by the Advocate Advocates may need to find recent contact information for victims through avenues such as: the probation department, law enforcement agency or the district attorney’s office (but not social media) Inform the victim of the information that can be provided during advocacy contacts
Initial Contact with Victims-Reporting Abuse Explain informed consent and mandatory reporting obligations: Reporting of suspected abuse or neglect of children and at risk elders a. All Treatment Victim Advocates have a responsibility to report and shall report suspected abuse or neglect of children or at risk elders whether or not they are legally mandated to report. C.R.S , C.R.S b. Advocates shall inform victims of this upon initial contact and as appropriate during victim contacts. c. Advocates shall inform the Treatment Provider when a report has been made.
Advocacy Contacts with Victim Need to include: A brief explanation of who the Treatment Victim Advocate is and why they are making contact Explanation of confidentiality, including limitations Exploration of whether or not the victim wishes to be contacted including how. Social media or similar electronic/digital communication avenues are not appropriate ways to contact victims, as confidentiality may be jeopardized. Overview of the domestic violence offender treatment process General domestic violence information, including warning signs and risks Any concerns about safety the victim may have Referrals & resources
Discretionary Areas of Victim Contact Advocates can determine whether to provide the following information on a case by case basis: – Offender status in treatment, group location, time, discharge, etc – Information on protection orders – Safety planning – Duty to warn – Well being checks
MTT 7.06 Advocate and provider responsibilities on MTT Please refer to Section 5.0
Documentation and Record Retention 7.08
Documentation – minimal is key Confidential victim information shall be kept in a locked file separate from the offender file and Access should be limited to advocates or to the Treatment Provider on a “need to know basis”. Password protect electronic files A victim shall be allowed access to her/his own information and be provided copies to her/him of her/his records upon request, and after doing adequate safety planning with the victim.
Record Retention Advocates shall ensure that victim records are kept confidential. Records of confidential victim information should only be maintained as long as is necessary to meet the victim’s needs.
Contact Information Did you know? There’s a DVOMB web page just for advocates? Where can you find the Revised 7.0 Victim Advocacy Standards? Sharon Behl: Website: