Canterbury Tales Student-Led Lessons Honors English 4
You (the students of Ms. Pajic’s and Ms. Rich’s class) are going to be TEACHING EACH OTHER the Prologue of The Canterbury Tales.
You will create a 12 minute presentation to deliver to your classmates WITH AN INTERACTIVE, ENGAGING HANDOUT TO GIVE TO THE CLASS. Have a visual aid for your presentation: i.e. POWERPOINT or PREZI.
Ask a DISCUSSION QUESTION after your presentation. A “how” or “why” question, not a “who, what or where” question
While you are presenting, you are the TEACHER. Please teach your students thoroughly/clearly so that you prepare them to do wonderfully on their future test on The Canterbury Tales.
You will be assigned a character (or characters) from The Prologue (p ). It is your responsibility to become best friends with your character (or characters). As your character’s best friend, you must know everything there is to know about them—know them inside and out!
*How do you become a character’s best friend?*
o READ about your BEST FRIEND in the PROLOGUE o Your presentation needs to be CONTENT- PACKED and exhibit lots of: TEXTUAL EVIDENCE Should I say “TEXTUAL EVIDENCE” one more time??? WITH PAGE AND LINE CITATIONS
If you use outside information from the internet in your presentation (not required) AN MLA CITATION AND WORKS CITED IS REQUIRED.
o Use textual evidence to support the claims made about your character(s) and include evidence of: IRONY that surrounds your character(s) Types of Irony to look for in the text: Situational Irony Verbal Irony, etc…
CHARACTERIZATION of your character(s). Examples of characterization elements: o Personality/Values/Morality o Dialogue o Occupation Where are they in the social scale? What is their estate? o Appearance Where are they in the social scale? What is their estate? Are their clothes/physical appearance symbolic in any way?
o Use textual evidence to evaluate and explain: How Chaucer’s use of irony and characterization make a political/social/religious/other commentary o Is there a lesson surrounding the character(s)? o How does the character(s) fit into the ESTATE SATIRE? How does Chaucer’s treatment of his characters portray his opinions on social class?