This is a demonstration of how you can use Message Mail or any other (like Hotmail) or Instant Messaging Service (like MSN Messenger or ICQ) software to communicate with people who you are involved with in a project or discussion etc. CB and Jo have been asked to plan a campaign to stop students in the school smoking. They have been told that the first thing to do is to decide what would be the best way to do this through discussing each other’s ideas and researching campaigns run by other people or companies. This presentation does not have its own timings, so to move to the next page simply press the left mouse button or Enter on your keyboard. Begin by clicking your mouse or hitting Enter.
Here is the first message from CBeattie to JGill trying to get a discussion started using Message Mail:
This is Jo’s reply to the first message.
CB responds to Jo. He begins to talk about getting ideas for their project.
Jo’s response. She wants something more than just leaflets!! At least using /message mail you can be sure that your ideas are heard (or read!).
CB responds to Jo’s ideas. One great advantage of communicating via is that you can share information really quickly, so both Jo and CB can now look at and discuss the same webpage, even though they are not together!
Jo responds to CB’s message. She suggests other ideas, and has a look at the website that CB has recommended. This way they can share ideas and discuss things together immediately.
Maybe now you and a partner or partners can hold a discussion over the Internet, using Message Mail in school or other programs at home. How to record your dicussion for a portfolio: One way of doing this is to simply copy the contents of your messages into a Word document. You can then very simply print it all off. Another way is to copy and print the actual screens in the same way that this presentation has been made. It’s easy, really! All you need to do is cut and paste: 1.Open your Message Mail, or the program that you have been using to communicate over the Internet. 2.With the message that you want to print displayed, hold down the control (CTRL) key and press Print Screen (this button is usually above the Insert button in the bank of keys between the numbers and the letters). 3.Open another program to copy this image into – we have used Powerpoint, but you should be able to use Word just as easily. 4.When you have a blank page in front of you, select Edit from the top menu, then press Paste. Alternatively you can simply hold down the control (CTRL) key and press V. This will now paste your message into the document.