The Passive Voice Action is done TO the subject BY the object.
Examples in English I throw the ball. – active – the subject performs the action. The ball is thrown by me. – passive – the subject is acted upon by the object. The general leads the soldiers. – active The soldiers are led by the general - passive
Identifying Active and Passive We called He was laughing They were found You are being beaten They will be scolded We invited They were reading
Forms (for the present system) The following endings are used in the present system (present, imperfect, future) – with some alterations. SingularPlural 1.-r-mur 2. -ris-mini 3. -tur-ntur
Present Tense To the present stem – infinitive (chop off –re – with the exception of 1 st singular) SingularPlural 1. portorportamur 2. portarisportamini 3. portaturportantur
Translation of the Previous Slide SingularPlural 1. I am carriedWe are carried 2. You are carriedYou all are carried 3. He/She/It is carriedThey are carried
More Notes on Present Passive Vowel before first conjugation – a Vowel before second conjugation – e Vowel before third and third -io - a little more complicated 1. ponorcapiorponimur capimur 2. poneris caperisponimini capimini 3. ponitur capiturponuntur capiuntur
Imperfect Passive Endings: 1. –bar-bamur 2. -baris-bamini 3. -batur-bantur *add –ba followed by the passive endings.
Translation of Imperfect Passive 1. docebardocebamur 2. docebarisdocebamini 3. docebaturdocebantur I was being taughtWe were being taught I was being taughtWe were being taught You were being taughtYou all were being taught You were being taughtYou all were being taught He/She/It was being taughtThey were being taught He/She/It was being taughtThey were being taught
Future Passive First and Second Conjugation – Endings Attach to the infinitive (without –re) 1. –bor-bimur 2. -beris-bimini 3. -bitur-buntur
Future Passive Third and Fourth Conjugations First principal part, chop off –o – add endings. 1. –ar-emur 2. -ēris-emini 3. -etur-entur The macron on the e in the second person singular is important.
Future Passive Translation 1. ponarponemur 2. ponērisponemini 3. poneturponentur I will be placedWe will be placed You will be placedYou all will be placed He/She/It will be placedThey will be placed
Present Passive Infinitive The present infinitive of transitive verbs can be made passive. For the 1 st 2 nd and 4 th conjugations, take off the final –e on the active infinitive and add an –I Portare – portari (to be carried) Monēre – monēri (to be warned) Audire – audiri (to be heard)
That Pesky Third Conjugation As usual, the third conjugation (the rebel without a cause) doesn’t follow the rules. The present passive infinitive for the third conjugation (regular and –io) is formed by taking off the –ere entirely and adding an –i mittere – mitti – to be sent capere –capi – to be captured