FILM RADIOGRAPH [From any NDT Service Provider] EQIS DIGITAL RADIOGRAPH [In any form: USB Drive, CDs, , etc]
Contains 65,536 shades of gray (32 Bit Depth) Delivers outstanding geometric accuracy, consistency and reliability State of the art, Manufactured in USA Automatic Digitizer Calibration (ADC) Improves Contrast of even Dull Radiographs Instantly share Radiographs to any part of the Globe
Spot Size :75 – 150 Microns DPI:150 – 500 Accuracy:1% or 2 Pixels Pixels:4104 x 5472 Size:1Mb – 20 Mb (Approx) Detector:Solid State, Next Gen High Definition CCD (HD-CCD®)
Minimum Film Size 4” x 8” Maximum Film Size 14” x 57” (Unlimited Length) Soft Corners on Radiographic Film
INR 150/- per film for Nominal Resolution (<5 Mb per film) INR 200/- per film for High Resolution (>5 Mb per film) Minimum Charge Rs. 1000/- Service 12.36% charged additionally No Limitations on Size (Max 14” x 17”) Scan Time increases to several minutes for High Resolution