diverse chunk different from each other, varied The students in my homeroom are diverse, and we enjoy learning about each other’s customs.
complex chunk complicated, made of many parts The model rocket ship was so complex that I couldn’t figure out how it worked.
guarantee chunk ensure, make sure Putting the jewelry in the safe will guarantee that it will be secure while you are away.
debris chunk leftover parts of something destroyed, litter After the skyscraper crumbled in the earthquake, the streets were filled with stones, paper and other debris.
seize blend grab suddenly and by force, capture The army knew they had to seize the enemy fortress quickly if they were to win the battle.
commonplace blend ordinary Traffic jams, pollution, and crowded streets are commonplace in big cities.
cultivate chunk farm, grow crops on Plenty of rainfall and great soil made it easy to cultivate the land.
drenched base word + ending soaked After the water balloon fight, Jasmine was drenched from head to toe.
There’s a great basketball team on television tonight! It’s the World Championship game between the Astronauts and the Lumberjacks. The Lumberjacks have never beaten the Astronauts in a championship game. Also, the star of the Lumberjacks’ team can’t play because he has a sprained ankle. But I think that this is the Lumberjack’s chance. If you ask me, they’re the most amazing in the league this year. I think the Lumberjacks play basketball better than the astronauts, and I believe they’re going to win. Tune in to find out!
Team Talk- Day One 1.Where are most of the rainforests located? Why are they called tropical rainforests? 2.Which of the following states a fact? A.Rainforest trees don’t shed their leaves. B.There are 40 different types of rainforests. C.It’s unfortunate that the rainforests are disappearing. D.Both a and b Explain why you chose the answer you did. 3. Would it be better to take a winter coat or an umbrella to a rainforest? Why?
Partner Reading Read pages 6-7 aloud with your partner.
Team Talk Extender Think about the weather in the rainforests. If you were going to go there, what kinds of clothing and equipment would you take? Why?
Life in My Town I. Three Things in My Town A. It’s sunny all the time B. My town is the capital of my state C. There are three professional sports teams II.Two Fun Things to do A. Go fishing B. Watch baseball
Two Minute Edit- Day Two The larger rainforest in the world stretches across the amazon basin in south america! (6)
Team Talk- Day Two 1.Which of the following states the main idea of pages 10-11? A.Lizards have the best diets in the rainforests. B.Different animals eat different things in the rainforests. C.Orangutans eat more that anything else in the rainforests. D.Hummingbirds are fascinating 2.What makes bats unlike all other animals in the world? 3.Which of the following states an opinion? A.Sloths eat only leaves.B. Lizards live in the rainforests. C.Orangutans are clever.D. Hummingbirds can fly backwards. Explain why you chose the answer you did.
Partner Reading Read pages aloud with your partner.
Team Talk Extender Which of the insects on pages do you think is best suited for life in the rainforests? Why?
Two Minute Edit- Day Three Lizards bats orangutans and sloths are commonly finded in rainforestes. (5)
Team Talk- Day Three 1.The author believes that most of us would be uncomfortable in the rainforests. How comfortable would someone from the rainforest be in your town? Support your conclusion with evidence from the story. 2.Which of the following states an opinion? A.People don’t live as long in the rainforests. B.Life is hard in the rainforests. C.Some rainforest people paint their bodies. D.Both A and C. Explain why you chose the answer you did. 3. Describe how children from the rainforest are educated.
Partner Reading Read pages aloud with your partner.
Team Talk Extender If you could ask a child who lives in the rainforest a question about his or her life, what question would you ask? Why?
Two Minute Edit- Day Four Peoples who live in the rainforest may not life longer than fourty years due to dizease. (4)
Team Talk- Day Four 1.Explain what slash-and-burn farming is and how it damages the rainforests. 2.What would happen to the air we breathe if the rainforest trees disappeared? 3.Which of the following states an opinion from pages of the text? A.Rainforests keep the earth’s air in balance. B.Slash –and-burn farmers destroy rainforests. C.Scientists believe there may be no more rainforests by D.After rains, valleys are flooded and rivers are clogged. Explain how you chose the answer you did.
Partner Reading Read pages aloud with your partner.
Team Talk Extender Do you think the destruction of the rainforests should slow down? Why or why not?