H ABITATS ! By Caroline Moesta and Tiffany Power
W HAT IS A HABITAT ? A Habitat is a place where a plant or animal lives! There must be food, water and shelter for a habitat to be suitable. Do you know of any habitats?
D ESERT The Desert is a hot and dry environment. There is very little rainfall so the plants and animals that live here have adapted. A cactus is a type of plant that can store water for long periods of time. It is very hot during the day. And extremely cold at night.
R AINFOREST The Rainforest habitat is very hot, with lots of rain and full of millions of plants and animals. The different rainforests around the word help to make most of the oxygen on Earth. The Amazon is the worlds largest rainforest.
A RCTIC T UNDRA This unique habitat is very cold and dry. It is located in Canada, Alaska and Siberia. Permafrost is unique to this habitat. Permafrost is permanently frozen soil. Very long winters and short summers are another characteristic of this habitat.
F OREST “Forests are divided into three different layers: the forest floor, the understory and the canopy.” “The forest floor is comprised of soil, dead plants and animals and small plants such as grasses and wildflowers.” “The understory contains small trees or bushes and is also called the shrub layer.” “The canopy is made up of the leaves and branches of the trees that dominate the forest.” Info from Defenders.org
W ETLAND Any area that is covered by water is a Wetland. There are several different types of Wetlands and they have numerous living things in each of them. The different types include the edge of a lake or the edge of an ocean or a marsh. These areas also flood frequently.
G RASSLANDS There are very few trees and rainfall in the grassland habitat. There are also several different types of grasslands and they are located all over the world. A couple of examples are the Savanna and the Great American Plains.
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