SAWC Spring 2012 Survey: Atlanta Attendees Exhibit Hall
ValueCountPercent % Decision maker % Recommender % Influencer % No involvement7111% Statistics Total Responses644
Did you visit the SAWC Exhibit Hall during the meeting in Dallas from April 14 – 17, 2011? ValueCountPercent % Yes644100% No00%
ValueCountPercent % Opening Night Reception46472% Friday Lunch % Saturday Lunch % Statistics Total Responses644
ValueCountPercent % Search for specific companies/products % Network with colleagues % Seek meals/refreshments % Visited many booths for a variety of reasons % Statistics Total Responses644
ValueCountPercent % Yes % No91.4% Statistics Total Responses644
ValueCountPercent % New product(s) % Product demonstrations % Samples % Educational presentations % Identified booths in advance of the meeting % Booth giveaways/prizes19330% Posters that were presented % Other325% Statistics Total Responses644
ValueCountPercent % Products I have seen before/nothing new % No products demonstrations7111% No samples8413% Booth/booth staff not inviting % No educational value to products or presentation % Other14222% No booth giveaways/prizes365.6% Statistics Total Responses644
ValueCountPercent % Provide product samples to assist patients in my practice % Provide food % Provide educational hand outs % Provide booth giveaways/prizes % Interactive elements in their booth % Other416.5% Statistics Total Responses634 Skipped2
ValueCountPercent % My SAWC Planner % Exhibit Guide % Neither % Statistics Total Responses644 75% of attendees took advantage of a research tool during/prior to SAWC
ValueCountPercent % New Product Showcase 34854% Woundopoly % SAWC Raffle Program % None of the above % Statistics Total Responses644