Religious Fundamentalism Current World Issues
Religious Fundamentalism is really just taking religion to extremes. Sort of like an obsession…..
Fundamentalism - Defined Fundamentalism A religious movement or point of view characterized by a return to fundamental principles, by strict adherence to those principles, and often by intolerance of other views and opposition to secularism. Secularism The view that religious considerations should be excluded from civil affairs or public education. The American Heritage® Dictionary
Islamic Fundamentalists Fundamentalists want to apply the more extreme verses of the Koran. The Prophet Muhammad urges Muslims to fight in the cause of Allah). "Jihad (holy fighting in Allah's cause) is ordained for you" The Koran commands Muslims not to befriend Jews or Christians "O ye who believe (Muslims) take not the Jews or the Christians for your friends and protectors. They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he among you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them" (Surat Al-Maidah 5:51). The cornerstone is the firm adherence to concept of God's sovereignty over all aspects of life.
What is Jihad? The word Jihad means "strive." Jihad is an effort to practice religion in the face of oppression. Or, in battling “McWorld”
Fundamentals of Islam Allah = God Muhammad = Prophet of Islam who heard the “Word of God” from angel Gabriel. Muhammad is considered the seventh and final Prophet. Qur’an = Holy Book Islam began in the 660s A.D. in modern day Saudi Arabia
Political Islam Many Muslims blame Western models of political and economic development for problems plaguing the modern world. Modernization, a process of Westernization and secularization of society, is responsible for weakening the traditional family and values. Modernization causes loss of identity that breaks down Muslim society. The decline in Muslim society is due to departure from the straight path of Islam. Islam is a total or comprehensive way of life Renewal of Muslim governments and societies requires restoration of Islamic law.
For many “Islamic fundamentalism” = hostage crises, embassies under siege, hijackings, and suicide bombers. Obviously, some Islamic militants try to reach their goals through violence Other Islamic activists work within mainstream society, participating in the electoral process. At the fringes are extremist groups like the al-Queda network of Saudi-born millionaire Osama bin Laden that engage in a global war of terrorism