A Strategic Plan for the Library Presenters: [group names redacted] Whitni Watkins (Students in the SJSU MLIS Program) April 20, 2012
Located in a upper-middle class San Francisco neighborhood Implements a non-discrimination policy Grades K-8 Enrollment 161 students in K students in 6-8
“Definitions of environmental scanning differ, but they all agree that environmental scanning is an efficient, organized means for an institution to collect relevant information regarding the external environment” (Pashiardis, 1997, p.5)
Environmental Scanning
SWOT Analysis The next step after an environmental scan Internal Factors -Strengths -Weaknesses External Factors -Opportunities -Threats
Involvement & Collaboration o staff & parents Community o promotes and strengthens Live Oak School community Strengths
Physical space No middle school program Weaknesses
Imagine library as an academic center Physical space serve students, staff, school community Technology digital information resources other technologies Opportunities
Physical space collection growth & teaching space Understaffing no support for middle school program Threats
To foster a love of reading To support all students In academic growth In personal growth To prepare all students For future success! Our Mission Statement
Our Vision Statement To have a range of high quality material for the students – Why??? To broaden their perspectives To inspire them To engage them To promote insight
To embody these values for our students Curiosity Diversity Quality Intellectual freedom Academic integrity Individuality Community Our Values Statement
We conducted an environmental scan This led us to a SWOT analysis We defined our new Mission, Vision and Values statements So now what? We need goals to fulfill our statement! The Next Step?
Strategic Goal #1 Develop a plan to enhance the library’s physical space. Objective 1.1 Develop plan for proper teaching space. Objective 1.2 Reduce crowding in the Library. Objective 1.3 Improve monitoring of the non-fiction area. Objective 1.4 Provide for collection growth.
Develop a plan to integrate e-books. Objective 2.1 Explore forming a consortium of K-8 private schools to form a communal e-book library. Strategic Goal #2
Conduct a User Survey. Objective 3.1 Survey students in 3 rd to 8 th grade to determine reading patterns and preferences. Strategic Goal #3
Increase awareness of Library’s critical role in student achievement and information literacy. Objective 4.1 Publicize library’s role in student achievement and educate parents and faculty about the library’s information literacy curriculum. Objective 4.2 Address Middle School information literacy. Strategic Goal #4
Develop strategic partnership with middle school learning center and reading specialist. Objective 5.1 Meet weekly with middle school reading specialist to develop joint programs and support student achievement goals. Strategic Goal #5
Increase library outreach to middle school students. Objective 6.1 Increase strategic use of volunteers to free middle school librarian’s time. Objective 6.2 Consider creating an internship for SJSU MLIS students. Strategic Goal #6