Tall Tales
Tall Tales are about tough times. The exaggerated tales make people laugh about their problems during those difficult times and provide them with a hero who turns those tough times around.
Examples… Tough TimeHero Making a railroad across the countryJohn Henry Logging & clearing the large forests Paul Bunyan Moving cattle across the United StatesPecos Bill Dealing with wild animalsDavy Crockett
The one element common to all tall tales is exaggeration. (to the truth.) Tall Tales are always about the biggest, strongest or fastest).
American tall tales began in the 1800’s as a way for people to deal with the wild, uncharted lands and waters. The tales reflect many of the conflicts within America’s westward expansion…man vs. man (or himself), man vs. beast, man vs. nature (the wilds), and man vs.machine.
The characters illustrate the different occupations that contributed to the development of the country… like…pioneer settlers and loggers, cowboys, sea captains and railroad workers.
The setting often has a major impact on the conflict in the plot. Davy Crockett – Tall tale is set in the woods, where the conflict deals with wild animals.
Some characters, like Johhny Appleseed, were actual people whose stories were told around campfires and homes. The details of their lives grew more and more exaggerated each time it was told or passed through the generations. Others, like Pecos Bill, were literary inventions of newspapers or magazines.
These heroes and heroines are larger than life. Reality is mixed with fantasy. The absurd humor is meant to entertain.
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What are some things that worry people in our day and time?
What are some things that worry students?
Passing EOGs Middle School Bullies Making Friends Gossip Moving to a new school Mean teachers
Now, you will get to write a Tall Tale about an issue that causes you to WORRY !
These are the guidelines… Choose a problem that worries you. Choose a gender (male/female) for your hero. Choose a cool name for your hero Decide on a setting (New Bern) Set your purpose (To entertain readers with a story about a hero who solves a problem through exaggerated events.) Use exaggerations (& lots of them!)