Literary Genres
What is a Genre? When you speak about genre and literature, genre means a category, or kind of story.
All categories of books or stories can be classified as either fiction or non- fiction.
Literature Genres of Non-Fiction Information/Expository Science TextScience Text Social Studies TextSocial Studies Text MathematicsMathematicsBiographiesAutobiographies
Informational/Expository Genre Elements Gives factual and verifiable information about a specific subject. Uses facts about real events and people. Gives events in the order in which they happened. Writing is organized by topics. May use diagrams, photographs, and other illustrations.
Biography Genre Elements A true story of someone’s life written by someone else. It may span a person’s whole life, or it may tell about an important part of that person’s life. This story is almost always told in chronological order.
Autobiography Genre Elements The true story of someone’s life written by that person. Events are usually told in the order in which they occurred. Tells about how the person thinks and feels about things.
Characteristics of Genre (from notes)Evidence from Text The story “ ____________________________ ” is a _____________________________(genre). Literary Analysis
Genres of Fiction Fairy Tales Fables, Myths, Tall Tales Historical Fiction Realistic Fiction Mysteries Science fiction Fantasy
Fiction Genres Fables Genre Elements: Very short stories Used to teach lesson or moral 2-3 characters Characters are animals or things that act like people (personification)
Tall Tales A tall tale is a fictional story that stretches the truth. The heroes or sheroes of tall tales are "larger than life.“ Sometimes the heroes or sheroes in a tall tale are completely made up. Sometimes they are based on an actual person who really lived.
Through the telling of the story, these characters are given exaggerated characteristics. They are bigger or stronger than real people and solve problems in a way that is hard to believe.
Tall tales were first told in America by the settlers who made their homes in the American wilderness. In those days, people didn't have TV, movies, or even many books, so they depended on storytelling for their entertainment. After a long day's work, people would gather together and tell one another unbelievable stories.
The tall tale heroes and sheroes were like regular people. They did the same type of work as the settlers, except they did it with amazing speed, strength, or cleverness. Maybe having these heroes and sheroes helped give the settlers the courage to do their difficult and dangerous work.
Four things all Tall Tales Have in Common The main character has a regular job but is larger-than-life or superhuman in his or her abilities. The character has a problem or problems that he or she solves in a funny way. Details in the story are exaggerated beyond belief. The characters use everyday language and are like common people in behavior.
Legends A story about a hero or heroine Story may be based on facts, but the actions of the hero are bigger than life. Through countless retellings, the characters and their actions have become very exaggerated.
Fairytales Genre Elements Begins with a phrase like “Once upon a time” or “There once was…” Setting is a far away or imaginary land Royal characters such as kings queens and princesses Often wishes are granted Things happen in threes Magical powers are often used Most of the time there is a happy ending where good wins over evil
Myths Genre Elements Myths are an attempt to explain natural phenomena (storms, floods, crops failing) Gods and goddesses are superhuman Gods and goddesses interact with humans Gods are temperamental and emotional Contain magic and supernatural Gods often appear in disguises Good is rewarded and evil is punished Myths do contain violence
Science Fiction Genre Elements Characters solve problems in a futuristic setting anywhere in the universe. Characters solve problems in a futuristic setting anywhere in the universe. Humans, extraterrestrials, or members of other species. Humans, extraterrestrials, or members of other species. Involve the effects of advanced science and technology on life. Involve the effects of advanced science and technology on life.
Fantasy Genre Elements People, animals, or objects do things they cannot do in real life. (supernatural or magic) People, animals, or objects do things they cannot do in real life. (supernatural or magic) Story takes place in a make-believe setting that does not exist in the real world. Story takes place in a make-believe setting that does not exist in the real world. Story has creatures in it that are not found in real life. Story has creatures in it that are not found in real life.
MYSTERY Characters: –Suspects-those believed to have possibly committed the crime –Detective-person trying to solve the mystery –Witnesses-person who saw the crime being committed
Plot usually includes one of the following: –An unexplained event –A secret –Something that is lost or missing –A crime that has been committed –A problem that needs to be solved
Clues: hints that can help the reader and the detective solve the mystery. Clues can be in the form of things people say or do, or found objects. Red herrings: distractions or false clues that may lead the reader or detective off track.
Historical Fiction Genre Elements The story is set in a particular time and place in the past. The story is set in a particular time and place in the past. Story contain details that make it more realistic. Story contain details that make it more realistic. Characters talk, dress, and act like people of that time period. Characters talk, dress, and act like people of that time period. Story involves fictional characters interacting with real historical figures or a real event in history Story involves fictional characters interacting with real historical figures or a real event in history
Realistic Fiction Genre Elements Characters behave like real people and animals Characters behave like real people and animals Settings in the story are real or could be real Settings in the story are real or could be real Events in the story could happen in real life Events in the story could happen in real life Conflicts in the story are similar to problems that happen in real life. Conflicts in the story are similar to problems that happen in real life.