What is a TALL TALE? A humorously exaggerated story about impossible events
HISTORY of TALL TALES Tall Tales were very popular among American settlers in the early 1800s. People liked to tell tales about "larger-than-life" characters that had extraordinary abilities, such as super-human strength or speed. Stories were invented about the adventures and challenges faced by these characters. As the stories were repeated, the details became more and more exaggerated. (Note that in some cases, the heroes and heroines of the stories seem to have been based on real people, but that after many retellings, these characters and events were exaggerated beyond the limits of possibility.)
WHY TALL TALES? People liked to invent heroes that were particular to the region in which they lived. These heroes and heroines often used their extraordinary qualities to help resolve problems faced by people in the area. For example, in Minnesota—with its vast forests and a harsh, cold climate—people told stories about Paul Bunyan, a giant lumberjack who could chop down a whole forest with one strike of his axe. In Texas, settlers told the story of Pecos Bill, the best cowboy in the west, who wrestled a threatening tornado.
CHARACTERISTICS OF TALL TALES The story has many exaggerations in it. The main character has a problem to solve. The main character is bigger than life and has super-human abilities. The plot of the story is funny and impossible. In the end, the main character solves a problem, overcomes an obstacle and/or defeats a “bad guy.” The story includes lots of action.
READING "Sally Ann Thunder Ann Whirlwind" p 734 - Complete the checklist with examples from the text.
ASSIGNMENT Think of a specific problem in our community. It can be our region of the country, our city, or even our school. General ideas: crime, environmental problems, concerns about animals, negative personal relationships, school logistics/rules What kind of resolution would you like to see for this issue?
ASSIGNMENT With a partner, write a tall tale about a hero who performs impossible feats to resolve your community’s problem. It must include all of the elements of a tall tale from the checklist.
PLAN! Who is your hero? How is he/she “bigger than life” and what are his/her superhuman abilities (should not be magic)? How will he/she solve the community problem? The solution needs to be impossible in the real world. How will you exaggerate the events in the story? Where can you add humorous elements?